View Full Version : First large job, a few questions

04-27-2012, 12:47 AM
OK Autogeekers. I have landed my first "big" job. My client has agreed upon my hourly rate(30/hr) for detailing his boat. He is trying to sell it quick and wants me to do what I can with it for a quick sale. For a little background, this is not my first client, but he is a referral whom there is a large network of busines waiting to be had if he is impressed with my work on his boat. We had a discussion today about some ares he would really like to see improved. There is tint on the bow windows in terrible shape. That needs to come off, and the windows need to look perfect. It is a boat, so there is alot of alluminum that is oxidized, but with some work it will make a big difference in the boat's appearance if it is freshly polished. The interior....the vinyl is in OK shape(no tears or rips, etc.) but is very dirty and has some mold/mildew. The exterior....all of the white painted portions are now a flat white while it was once glossy. It is pretty oxidized. The maroon painted portions are also very dull, and have some large oxidation spots. I did a test area for him today on the maroon portion with M105/205 and he was happy with the removal of the oxidation but my underlying question is to bring back the "shine" of the gelcoat.....Below are a few pics I snapped of the boat and some pictures of the worst areas.

1) How would you tackle the interior? I havent touched it, but I have a plethora of cleaning chemicals I have accumulated(dont we all) and I was just going to start and see what worked and what didn't. To save time, what have you guys who detail boats had good luck with?
2) The alluminum - Again, I have quite a few different polishes....Was going to start with a soft steel wool and some AIO and go from there....any advice?
3) The paint.....The 105/205 I tested on it did well with removing the oxidation...anything better recommended? I only tested it with this as it has always been my "go to" for just about everything and I am very comfortable with the application and removal of these products and they have always done me well. What would y'all recommend in the way of getting the glossy look back to it? The boat is going to be dropped off to me tomorrow and I will have it for probably 2-4 days depending on my other work and how my progress is on it.....

Have at it!


Before anyone asks....I have permision to do what I like with photos. I told the client I would be making a time-lapse video of the progress of the boat for marketing purposes...

04-27-2012, 12:58 AM
FWIW I will be using a Makita rotary....(its what i learned on, and still most comfortable with)

04-27-2012, 07:11 AM
I did a boat just like that one well color wise I used amazing rolloff on the outside before I buffed or any type of degreaser. And used the same on the interior with magic eraser pads there cheap and remove just about anything don't last long so buy a few good luck

04-27-2012, 10:34 AM
thanks for the advice, ill give that a try!

04-27-2012, 12:35 PM
Well the boat is in my possession.. Hopefully someone will chime in with a few pointers!

04-27-2012, 05:27 PM
Got most of the seats done today. Did a test spot on the paint. Oxidation mostly gone, a lot more gloss, but still not where I want to be....

04-27-2012, 10:34 PM
this picture is taken from the same oxidized spot on the rear corner of the boat as the one above. This is after 205/105, KAIO, and Mirror Glaze no. 7(let cure for 45 minutes then wipe off). This was my test area. I am pretty satisfied with the result of this...still not sure what sealant and/or wax to use. I keep asking questions but I guess I am talking to myself here..

Anyways, enjoy


04-28-2012, 09:44 AM
Looks like u got a long job ahead of u the boat I did still jade some oxidation in it left was hard to get perfect ....idk could also yry some wet sanding would save u Alto of time on the other steps

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04-28-2012, 09:15 PM
yea I spent about 6 hours on it with 105 today....still not happy with the results just yet. I will be wet sanging tomorrow to see how that works out....The interior however turned out really well..

04-28-2012, 11:08 PM
Awesome what u end up using in the inside

Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk 2

04-28-2012, 11:30 PM
I'm reading a ton on gel coat. If you want a flawless finish, you must wet sand. M105/205 works excellent after wet sanding

04-29-2012, 12:29 AM
for the inside, I used my APC of choice....kind of a custom mixture if you will, and a scotch brite.....and lots of elbow grease...For the hard to reach areas I used a Black and Decker Mouse with the wull pad on the bottom(I use this alot on vinyl surfaces such as the insides of a boat) The only spots that would not come out of the interior were around the battery tray and turns out, that the owner is replacing that carpet anyways.