View Full Version : Kubota Hood need some direction

04-26-2012, 07:58 PM
Hey all,
A friend of mine bought a used Kubota Utility 4 wheeler. He dropped off the hood hoping I can help him out. Tons of overspray and scratches. I'm going to try and post some pics. It's molded color plastic.
My question is this. Am I able to sand down these scratches and polish it with a rotary? Or should I just try and polish it? I'm also worried about heat build up. I've never sanded and or polished color molded plastic before so any help would be great. Thanks!!


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04-28-2012, 01:22 PM
Thinking of trying the "heat gun " method.

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04-28-2012, 02:30 PM
I can't really make out the first 3 photos. Hard to see how bad the scratches are.

I would think a rotary would work. Keep your working process to as little as possible to keep heat down. Do you have a DA (depending on scratches - since I cant see the photos well) I would start with the lease aggressive method first.

I also went to there site real quick and found out you can order paint from them too...maybe a repaint or touch up bottle could be ordered.

Kubota Safety - Material Data Sheets (http://www.kubota.com/safety/MaterialSafetyDataSheets.aspx)