View Full Version : Order of application

04-17-2012, 11:59 AM
Hello all,

Quick question,

I ordered a bottle of WGPPE and WGFG 3.0

What order should this be applied to a vehicle? Glaze then PPE then sealant and wax?


04-17-2012, 12:08 PM
WGPPE is to remove old layer of Wax/Sealant
U will use WGPPE first and use the Glaze next... but WG glaze is not really a GLAZE.... is a polish i believe

04-17-2012, 12:27 PM
WGPPE is to remove old layer of Wax/Sealant
U will use WGPPE first and use the Glaze next... but WG glaze is not really a GLAZE.... is a polish i believe

Yes, the WG glaze is a very fine polish (supposedly very similar to Menzerna's PO85RD.

This is why I am unsure as to the order:confused:

04-17-2012, 12:32 PM
the WG glaze will mechanically clean the paint the same as the PPE (which does it chemically).

You don't really need to use both but if you want to, then do the WG glaze, then the PPE, then seal/wax

remember to wash and clay first before using the polish. Do you have any TSR? the finishing glaze may not be aggressive enough for some areas...

04-17-2012, 12:49 PM
Fortunately the car is brand new and there are only the faintest signs of swirl marks in very few areas, which is why I decided to go with a super fine polish.

The Glaze I will use is from 2 bottles of free sample from AG. Figured I'd give it a try.