View Full Version : Which way to move to a more aggressive approach

andrew b
04-17-2012, 10:59 AM
Hi Folks,

I have a new (to me) situation.

I always follow the basic "use the least aggressive method that gets the results you want" approach. It's always worked well.

So over the years, it seems I've accumulated quite a bit more products (both polishes/compounds, and pads) so the "next most aggressive" isn't quite as easy to figure out.

The wax/polish chart comes in handy. I've also sorted and labelled my polishes/compounds on a 1-10 scale using both the wax chart and, where the product isn't listed, the marketing blurbs that say what grit marks (i.e. 1500, 2000, 2500, 3000) the product will remove.

Here's my question: when moving to a more aggressive method, do you typically use the same product with a more aggressive pad (i.e. go from white to orange, or orange to yellow) with the same product or do you use the same pad and change product? Or both?

I'm typically dealing with light to medium defects, although I do have some type II water marks I need to work on, and I'm not quite sure how aggressive I'll need to be.

andrew b
04-17-2012, 02:58 PM
Lots of views and no replies :(

Come on, some of you have had to move to a more aggressive process at some point - how did you do it? Different product, or pad, or both?

04-17-2012, 03:01 PM
More aggressive polish on same pad, then increase the pad aggressiveness, and so on.

04-17-2012, 05:15 PM
More aggressive polish on same pad, then increase the pad aggressiveness, and so on.

This process exactly. Sometimes it can be hard to do this since you cause cross contamination with another product but unless you got tons of pads this is your best bet.