View Full Version : Re Spraying Clear Coats

Kris R
04-15-2012, 02:06 PM
I'm hoping that there will be a few painters on here, or maybe Mike has had some experience with this. But I want to respray the clear of my Jeep. It has some deep bug damage from the previous owners neglect. As you know that sort of damage is permanent. The base coat is perfect however.

I have done a ton of online searching with no avail.

Is it possible to sand down some of the clear and reshoot a few coats? Not removing all of it but just to smooth it out.

Any help would be great.


04-15-2012, 02:39 PM
Hi Kris,

In a word, yes!

All of the surface defects will need to be sanded or feathered so that it allows the new cleat to be applied uniformly. This is very common and a good painter can fix you right up.

04-15-2012, 03:56 PM
I wouldn't recommend doing it yourself unless you really know what you are doing.

I tried on my fender and it worked, but its a very obvious repair. One of these days I am going to remove the fender and redo it.

Kris R
04-15-2012, 08:06 PM
I wouldn't recommend doing it yourself unless you really know what you are doing.

I tried on my fender and it worked, but its a very obvious repair. One of these days I am going to remove the fender and redo it.

I have painted with a gun before and got professional results. I'm very meticulous about my work. See other threads with pics. I've just never attempted this before as far as just re shooting clear.

Kris R
04-15-2012, 08:07 PM
Also there is no need to use blender or feather anything because I plan I reshooting ALL the clear.

04-15-2012, 08:11 PM
Wanna come over and shoot my fender?

I tried to feather mine by back taping, but it didn't work, still had a line so I didnt do it right.

Once I become brave enought. Im gonna remove the fender, sand it down and either shoot it myself or see if I can get a body shop to do it. I imagine it wouldnt be too bad if I did the prep myself.

04-15-2012, 08:13 PM
It is very possible but like others mentioned it would be a good idea to get it done professionally. To re clear a whole it should be done in a paint booth to get optimum results. Not to mention a good spray gun is very important. Reduces orange peal dramatically.

04-15-2012, 08:15 PM
Jacob- a lot of body shops charge you more if you do any work prior to theirs. Although there are some that may let it slide.

Kris R
04-16-2012, 07:42 AM
Ok let me clear something up because I don't seem to be getting the responses I'm looking for. I have a very good spray gun. It put out a lot of material and atomizes the clear to leave a smooth non orange peel finish. I also have a garage and fans that I use for painting and don't have issues. I simply want to know if this has been done or can be done since its a considerable shortcut to just repainting the whole thing.

Larry A
04-16-2012, 08:57 AM
Yes ! Why not. After you sand the original clear, the finish should be smooth and the color should be even. Spray on the new clear , wate a couple of days , wet sand with 1500 wet paper, then follow with 2000 paper. Buff with compound and a wool pad , finish with a swirl remover and a foam pad. Wate 30 days polish with a swirl remover again then wax. You should be good to go. Dont forget a good breating system, modern paint has poison in it.

Kris R
04-16-2012, 12:39 PM
Yes ! Why not. After you sand the original clear, the finish should be smooth and the color should be even. Spray on the new clear , wate a couple of days , wet sand with 1500 wet paper, then follow with 2000 paper. Buff with compound and a wool pad , finish with a swirl remover and a foam pad. Wate 30 days polish with a swirl remover again then wax. You should be good to go. Dont forget a good breating system, modern paint has poison in it.

That's what I was assuming. Thanks for that Larry. It should be good to go. Although I've been STRONGLY looking at the SEM Hot Rod kit and just going satin charcoal or silver. Looks sick.