View Full Version : Black trim and glass cleaner

04-15-2012, 10:54 AM
I have a 2008 Expedition that I got from a relative for free. It is in excellent condition and I'm trying to do everything I can to take care of it and keep it looking good. I have purchased a few product from autogeek already, one being poorboys black n bold tire gel and it is awesome! I have never been more happy with a purchase!

Well back to my questions!

1. I have black trim and I really want to restore it because it is extremely faded. I see numerous products and I read many thigns about them. I'm interested in purchasing the black wow but I'm curious if it really does hold up in rain because some of the reviews say it does not hold up in rain like the video shows on autogeek. Do you have any suggestions for me?

2. I have some windows that I made the mistake of using windex to clean it was a little sunny outside. I now have spots that will not come off the window, I do not know if it is burned on there or what but I am wondering what product could possibly remove that for me..or what product I can use to start cleaning my glass that will do a lot better job.

Thanks a lot. Hopefully I can get these questions answered! Thank you!

04-15-2012, 11:40 AM
Welcome and congrats on the free ride! I've used Ultima Tire and Trim guard with success on faded trim. One 12 oz bottle goes a LONG way and will give you the results you want. Since the expedition is only 4 years old the UTTG should bring the trim back to life easily and protect it for months. Lots of people around here including myself like Stoner's invisible glass cleaner for windows. Just be sure the windows are cool to the touch, that will help alot with streaking issues. Good luck!

04-15-2012, 03:36 PM
Awesome! Thanks a lot transambrotha. I will definitely look into using that cleaner. Like I said, I think I made the mistake of using cleaner on the windows when they were too hot and there are marks on there. I have scrubbed it vigoursly in the past and was not able to get these marks off of there. Do you think that product from Stoners will help remove it that or would I need to look into something else?

04-15-2012, 03:41 PM
transambrotha! Hey, just to make sure I am following what you are saying...even though my trim is faded pretty good it will definitely make it nice and black again? One of the places that I'm wanting to apply it to is a running board that I step on to get into the SUV. Is there any kind of dyes or anything that will come off on shoes and track into the vehicle, at least that you know of?

04-15-2012, 03:48 PM
The ultima trim guard will definitely restore some black and provide protection. If your trim is severely faded there are other options like Solution Finish products or BlackWow. These would give more dramatic blackening results. I've not used those two but I've seen positive reviews. I know that the UTTG when cured is dry to the touch and won't smear.

04-15-2012, 03:50 PM
Also Solution Finish is available and seems awesome. Look under reviews, there are tons of detailers that do great ones for diff products. IMO the top dog is CEE DOG! If u have time find his and find a comfy place to sit, read, and watch. U will enjoy the many diff ones.

04-15-2012, 03:50 PM
Awesome! Thanks a lot! Putting it on order now! Can't wait to get it!