View Full Version : spring weather... ahhhh

04-10-2012, 12:21 PM
Sure, Floridian's think they have it tough each spring with love bugs...

BUT anyone that wants to look to their local weather forecast *for this area* is wasting their time. Meteorologist dont really have a tough job in the Spring... roll the dice and tell everyone it's going to rain at some point. Maybe check with a terror card shuffler?

Oklahoma has a bunch of storms that just "pop" up above us, before continuing east and producing major storms. My wife decided anytime the forecast called for a 30% chance of rain, we were seeing a thunderstorm; 80% chance equaled a hail storm; any predicted percent other than the two equaled a few clouds and a hint of a dust storm.

anyone else see a 30% to 80% chance of rain for the next week?

04-10-2012, 12:39 PM
They're talking about 10% to 30% chance of rain over the next 4 days here...