View Full Version : Bird poop residue - Time for DA polisher?

04-09-2012, 02:00 PM
Hi all,
I have what looks like bird poop residue that just won't come off. I've tried wiping with vinegar and claying it but its still there. Its noticeable, depending on the angle you look at it. So, you can see it, but you can't feel it. Does this mean its etched? If so, is my next option to use some polish? I've been doing everything by hand so should get a DA polisher? I know I should start with the least aggressive, but theres so many choices - is any particular one I should start with?
Sorry for so many questions, but this really annoying. Thanks

04-09-2012, 02:15 PM
Well most of the time it's well in the clear. Bird sh:t is very acidic. It's like pouring wheel acid on your paint. So whenever you see it on your paint wash off as soon as possible. That being said polishing the area could reduce the the etching but depending on how deep it is it may not go completely away.

04-09-2012, 02:49 PM
You may or may not need a DA, but regardless you are going to need some kind of polishing compound to try and level things out around the etching. I'm most familiar with Meguiar's and it's easy to obtain so I would pick up some Ultimate Compound and Ultimate Polish, give that a try by hand with a foam applicator pad (compound, then polish). If that doesn't work you can step up to the added power of a DA but more than likely use the same polishes.

04-09-2012, 09:08 PM
thanks. I'll try the polish by hand first. I wasn't planning on getting a DA, but if that makes things easier, then I suppose I'll get one. I was planning on getting a Master Blaster :)

04-10-2012, 06:28 AM
I would pick up a PC 7424XP or Griots DA before the Master Blaster. Let us know if you find something that works for removing the bird bomb! :)

Mike Phillips
04-10-2012, 06:35 AM
The below can be found on my article list (http://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/ask-expert-featuring-mike-phillips/23722-articles-mike-phillips.html), read the third one and let us know which type you have.

Bird Droppings

How long does it take for a bird dropping to etch paint? (http://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/hot-topics-frequently-asked-questions/30535-how-long-does-take-bird-dropping-etch-paint.html)

How to safely remove a dried bird dropping (http://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/how-articles/23231-how-safely-remove-dried-bird-dropping.html)

Two Types of Bird Dropping Etchings (http://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/hot-topics-frequently-asked-questions/24924-two-types-bird-dropping-etchings.html)


04-11-2012, 07:22 AM
Actually, I was able to pick up that Master Blaster from the leftover detail fest special yesterday and while I was talking to Nick, I also got the PC 7424XP kit with the M#105 / M#205.

Mike - looking at your article, I definitely have the Type I Bird Dropping - Topical Stain Etching. Did I pick the right thing with the 105 / 205?

Mike Phillips
04-11-2012, 07:37 AM
Mike - looking at your article, I definitely have the Type I Bird Dropping - Topical Stain Etching. Did I pick the right thing with the 105 / 205?

Yes and you're lucky. You can fix Type I, you can rarely fix Type II

to be honest, go after it by hand first as you can exert a lot more pressure with a few fingers pushing down on a microfiber applicator or even a piece of terry cloth towel.

Then go back over it by machine to remove any toweling marks.

I've removed hundreds of defects by hand and machine and sometimes it's faster when working on clear coats to start by hand and finish by machine. That's if the stain is deep, if it's just on the very upper surface then machine it away...

Good luck...


04-11-2012, 09:13 AM
ok, thanks for the help. I have the MB and PC arriving on Fri, but I also have another order from AGO arriving tomorrow - so exciting!