View Full Version : Rock Chip Repair - Clear Coat?

04-09-2012, 08:56 AM
I am using my mother's 2001 CRV (Napals Gold Metallic) as a test subject and so far I have taken on a couple of the bigger rock chips/rust spots, wiped with a 30% IPA, used a fiber glass pen to remove rust and smooth edges of chip, followed by more IPA and have now built up the paint in the chip so that is it about level to slightly higher then the actual paint surface.

My plan going forward is let the paint sit for 3-4 weeks (needs to cure right?), use 1500/2000 grit paper to wet sand the area smooth, compound/polish the area the best I can and follow it up with Opti-Coat (The whole vehicle is going to be plished and opti-coated).

I know it isn't going to look anywhere near perfect but the unfinished touch up paint looks better than the rust did :D.

The main question I have revolves around Clear Coat and Opti-Coat, once I wet sand the paint smooth and remove the sanding marks, do I need to apply a touch up clear coat (for blending purposes) or can I move directly to Opti-Coat?

The touch up paint needs a month to cure before something like opti-coat is applied? Can this process be sped up with heat or best to be done naturally?

04-09-2012, 06:16 PM
Any takers?

07-03-2014, 10:57 PM
I am using my mother's 2001 CRV (Napals Gold Metallic) as a test subject and so far I have taken on a couple of the bigger rock chips/rust spots, wiped with a 30% IPA, used a fiber glass pen to remove rust and smooth edges of chip, followed by more IPA and have now built up the paint in the chip so that is it about level to slightly higher then the actual paint surface.

My plan going forward is let the paint sit for 3-4 weeks (needs to cure right?), use 1500/2000 grit paper to wet sand the area smooth, compound/polish the area the best I can and follow it up with Opti-Coat (The whole vehicle is going to be plished and opti-coated).

I know it isn't going to look anywhere near perfect but the unfinished touch up paint looks better than the rust did :D.

The main question I have revolves around Clear Coat and Opti-Coat, once I wet sand the paint smooth and remove the sanding marks, do I need to apply a touch up clear coat (for blending purposes) or can I move directly to Opti-Coat?

The touch up paint needs a month to cure before something like opti-coat is applied? Can this process be sped up with heat or best to be done naturally?

Try this link: https://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&aq=hts&oq=&ie=UTF-8&rlz=1T4GGNI_enUS511US511&q=opti-coat One of the links off of there said you can polish it "over a period of time." But it didn't say how long that would be. Give the company a call if you can't fing anything on Google. I usually go right to the company if I have any questions. Guys on any forum give great advice but you might read one, try it and find out it trashed your paint/shine, etc.

07-04-2014, 10:17 AM
I have emailed product related questions to Dr. G, the founder of Optimum Polymer Technologies, in the past and he has never been slow to answer. I am sure he would be happy to help you out.