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04-04-2012, 04:46 PM
:nomore:I just got done with a car the customer lived on the beach
and it took FOR EVER what is a easy way to remove sand
other that a vac because trust me it did not cut it

Mobile detail
04-04-2012, 04:52 PM
I live by the beach and do a TON of beach bums and surfers cars. I usually will dry vac 1st to get up what I can, then Ill hit the carpets with my Tornador to break up the stuff in the carpets. As I am hitting the carpet with the Torndaor, I have my vac in the other hand sucking as I'm going along. It makes a mess and you well get sand all over the place but its been the best way for me to get it out. Make sure you do this first before interior cleaning because you will get sand all over the dash/pannels/ect.
Sand is a PITB, but its the price you pay to live next to the beach, and its a price I'm totally willing to live with.

04-04-2012, 04:57 PM
i sure wish i had one of them i have been kicking around getting one
but i just opened my shop and im not trying to ( break the bank ) right away
you know

Mobile detail
04-04-2012, 05:08 PM
Do you have access to a compressor? Acme sells a bitchin air gun that basically does the same blowing/pulsating action as the Tornador, but its around $20.

The other option is a good old fashioned stiff brush and wick the carpet to break the sand lose and have the vac right there to suck up what gets lose.

I hear you on just starting up and trying to not break the bank. When I first started, I only had around $300 to invest, but after time (a lot of time 9 years) my company got built up and I could reinvest into it and buy stuff that saved me time which in turn made me more money because I could pump out more cars.

Do I use the tornador? yes, all the time. Would I get one again? Ahh maybe, but the investment in a compressor that can keep up with the demand and the cost of the tool its a tough call. People have been detailing without one for ever so it can be done. I would have rather bough a steamer if I could go back.

Are you mobile or just out of your shop?

04-04-2012, 05:18 PM
yes i have 3 over head reels of air i think that is the only way im going to do it for now
i have a steamer and it was the best thing i have ever bought it is the McCulloch Heavy-Duty Steam Cleaner its awesome

04-04-2012, 07:36 PM
I live by the beach and do a TON of beach bums and surfers cars. I usually will dry vac 1st to get up what I can, then Ill hit the carpets with my Tornador to break up the stuff in the carpets. As I am hitting the carpet with the Torndaor, I have my vac in the other hand sucking as I'm going along. It makes a mess and you well get sand all over the place but its been the best way for me to get it out. Make sure you do this first before interior cleaning because you will get sand all over the dash/pannels/ect.
Sand is a PITB, but its the price you pay to live next to the beach, and its a price I'm totally willing to live with.

I can't wait for AG to get the new Tornador tool that combines the air with a vacuum nozzle. I talked to Nick at the Boot Camp in January and he was aware of the prototype but thought it was still a little bit away from market. I too use the Tornador in one hand and vacuum in the other but mostly for pet hair. I don't get a lot of sand here. I have used a cheaper blow gun but IMO it can't touch the action of the Tornador black.