View Full Version : Optimum Tire Shine and Hyper Compund???????

03-13-2007, 11:07 PM
I did a pretty good search and really couldn't come up with much.

I found a few good pictures of Opt. Tire shine, and it looked very nice. For those who have tried it, how long should I expect this to last? Through how many rainstorms?
I have a gallon of this in my cart right now, I mean, it's only $25!

And for OHC, I know this has been discussed a few times, but how well (if at all) can OHC be worked with the PC and yellow pad? Or green pad? (Edge). Is it too heavy for the PC?

As of now I have the XMT line and OC. I feel OC is slightly stronger than XMT3, but I want to have the strongest polish possible for my worst case scenarios. I also have OP in my cart right now.

03-14-2007, 12:09 AM
I have found that the PC will actually produce enough heat to burn the paint. I used a test panel, and simply applying two hands to the top of PC and not allowing the PC head to rotate, you can produce enough heat to break down the polish. After about 2 minutes, simply let off a little bit, and use the PC as normal. Now, you have caused enough heat to break down the polish, and use can now use your PC polishing skills to work the abrasives into the paint. (I too would recommend buying or taking a test panel from a reck yard. And trying this out first hand, if you don't want to buy a rotary)

Although there are other ways, like working in direct FL sunlight, at noon, seem to break down the polish pretty well. Not LSP ready, but its the best I've done with the PC.

It takes great amount of skill to break down a polish meant for a rotary. My next piece of advise; pick up a rotary. I've seen some on sale on various sites for around $130 for a PC rotary. This is the safest bet, for those "worse" case scenarios.

Hope this helps...

-Nick :cheers:

03-14-2007, 01:57 AM
I use OPT tire shine on all my customer cars and love the stuff. I did a car today that had white wheel...not white walls but white wheels. I used the OTS on one side and the other side with PB B&B, neither side came out perfect but the side with the OTS looked 3x better. I redid all four tires with the OTS and felt very good about them(i have some pic on my camera but it is in my truck and I don't feel like going out and getting it) will post tomorrow. As for how long it will last I have it on my truck and have been through two storms so far(one light, one lasted all day) still look good enough to wait for the weekend to redo.


03-14-2007, 05:49 AM
Tire protectant is very matte in look.

03-14-2007, 06:38 AM
Id assume it is like all the other optimum products... Great

03-14-2007, 07:32 AM
I haven't gotten a chance to try it yet, but I got a yellow pad for Christmas so I'm hoping to give it a go soon with OHC. I don't have the new OHC though.

03-14-2007, 07:33 PM
I use OPT tire shine on all my customer cars and love the stuff. I did a car today that had white wheel...not white walls but white wheels. I used the OTS on one side and the other side with PB B&B, neither side came out perfect but the side with the OTS looked 3x better. I redid all four tires with the OTS and felt very good about them(i have some pic on my camera but it is in my truck and I don't feel like going out and getting it) will post tomorrow. As for how long it will last I have it on my truck and have been through two storms so far(one light, one lasted all day) still look good enough to wait for the weekend to redo.

Here is the tire off the camry



03-14-2007, 07:45 PM
tires came out pretty decent, hope it lasts long

03-15-2007, 12:57 AM
tires came out pretty decent, hope it lasts long

Yeah so far so good...I called the lady this evening and ask her about the tires she said they were still black. Although she was the one that let them get that way to begin with.
This was my first job with her so she said she plans on selling this car and buying the new E63 AMG Wagon. I also got to go back next week to do her husband's trunk and a bmw X3, I looked at both and should be easy work.