View Full Version : Is Leatherique worth it?

04-03-2012, 10:28 AM
Or are there any other leather products out there that do as good of a job at a lower price point?


04-03-2012, 10:35 AM
I think it is. I have a 2011 Ford Edge and tried Lexol and hated it ,smell and the way it looked . I had purchased Leatherique for my 08 Honda Accord and loved the way it looked and the feel on the leather as well as the smell but is a pain to get in my area. I have since switched back to Leatherique,small amount left from the Accord, and will be ordering more very soon to continue using it on the Edge.


04-03-2012, 10:51 AM
lexol sucks for anything dirty, it is a mild cleaner so for something not too dirty you can use it. the smell dont bother me, i could careless what a product smells like as long as it works, look at iron-x that stuff smells horrible. leather masters offers kits for about 30$ that would be your best bet, the reviews ive seen point to it being a good product line for leather. im in the same boat to find out a good leather cleaner that can remove years of gunk easy without 900 brush strokes. so im leaning towards leather masters, for now to clean i just use APC+ @ 20:1 dilution (dont spray surface spray cleaning pad) and protect it with lexol as its all i have....will do an order friday to order some leather masters...

04-03-2012, 10:54 AM
This is for my two cars that are both within a year old and the leather has been kept very clean. So would the Leatherique be overkill?

04-03-2012, 11:04 AM
imo no, but if your looking for cost effectiveness why not go leather masters? for 2 daily drivers that are going to be taken care of dont need something overly expensive, remember 98% of leathers in every day cars are coated with a clearcoating so to say so your not treating the leather but the coating. unless its an exotic or luxury car you most likely have coated seats so no point in going too crazy over product choices...but no it would not be over kill if thats the product you want. its a great product(judging on the reviews) but for me i am going to try leather masters first because id hate to buy a bigger bottle of something and it not work for me or my customers.... wish they sold 4oz sizes of leatherique.