View Full Version : what to use on white???

04-02-2012, 07:59 PM
it's a 08 chevrolet.... i know you probably can't go wrong with either of these, but what would you use....chemical guys, poorboys, or pinnacle xmt? i was wanting to do a polish, a sealant, and then a carnauba wax...thanks for any help

04-02-2012, 08:01 PM
Dodo Juice Light Fantastic...

04-02-2012, 08:02 PM

04-02-2012, 09:08 PM
i have a white car, its single stage and yours is clearcoat most likely however my adivce will work for both, for a polish i dont use AIO's much because im going to wax/use a sealant anyways. i should ask how much correction are you looking for? if it dont have anything really deep and just light swirl marks then just some polish will work, if its deeper swirls and scratches your best bet might be a 2 step process. if your just doing 1 correction step I like optimum polish II(white pad) or meguiars m205, if its 2 steps I will use meguiars m105(orange pad) and m205(white pad) or follow up m105 with opt polish II(white pad). and for a LSP(last step product) i mainly use collinite 845 it lasts ATLEAST! 4 months or even longer the looks is great nice and glossy and nice depth on white, then i top my 845 with another lsp that looks good but don't last as long for example, meguiars m16,mothers reflections top coat, then i use a spray wax(optimum car wax or xmt360 spray wax) on that for a final wipe and use it after every wash. with collinite lasting as long as it does theres not alot of need for a sealant, however once i polish my car again i am going to use wolfgang deep gloss paint sealant topped with 845, then top that with reflections top coat and spray wax....no need to do all that but i just have a few different lsp's. a lot of people on here will reccomend collinite 845 because of the cost and the looks /durability it has.. good luck!

04-02-2012, 09:33 PM

thanks for all the info....it just has some light swirls ..

04-02-2012, 09:49 PM
i really would go with m205 and get m105 as well just incase. you can get 8oz sizes to try them out from AG, but minds well get the 32oz because once you get past the learning curve with m105 you will probably love it and how well it finishes as it can take out some nasty defects. I prefer SMAT(super micro abrasive technology) compounds/polishes because unlike a DAT(diminishing abrasive technology) you dictate when to stop polishing, with DAT you need to work it for a while for the best finish from the product. SMAT you can just polish you see if its done and you're done with that section and move on. No need to worry "is this broken down enough?" both m105/205 and optimum compounds/polishes are SMAT.