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03-24-2012, 01:12 AM
Weather is starting to improve here in Vancouver and I've got a carport to use for the day so I'd like to try out my GG 6" for the first time tomorrow. I've got these little balls of something (from small trees/plants at my office I think) that collect on my car and leave a little brown spot (30+ on the car) on the paint once their picked off. I've tried soapy water and the Safe Scrub Bug & Tar pad, Tar X, claying and nothing gets the spots off. Is this the type of thing my DA will help remove or should I continue trying products before bringing out the machinery?

Here's a pic today of one of the little balls:

And after I picked the ball off. There's a little residue left, most other spots are worse than this:

03-24-2012, 03:10 AM
Always try the least agressive method first.
This stuff is great for removing all kinds of crud:
CarPro Tar X Tar & Adhesive Remover (http://www.autogeek.net/carpro-tar-x-600ml.html)

AND it's on BOGO!

03-24-2012, 04:17 AM
Try some WD40 as it's completely safe on the paint.

03-24-2012, 06:42 AM
Just a question...

You parking near Doug Firs or Red Cedar trees? Just that those little balls look familiar (use to live in the Seattle area).


03-24-2012, 10:20 AM
Always try the least agressive method first.
This stuff is great for removing all kinds of crud:
CarPro Tar X Tar & Adhesive Remover (http://www.autogeek.net/carpro-tar-x-600ml.html)

AND it's on BOGO!

Yeah I bought this specifically for these little spots a few months ago but no such luck. Doesn't do a thing to them.

Just a question...

You parking near Doug Firs or Red Cedar trees? Just that those little balls look familiar (use to live in the Seattle area).


There's a few in the area yes but I don't park by any. I park in an underground at home and beside the typical small office landscaping (various plants/shrubs/heathers and little trees).

Try some WD40 as it's completely safe on the paint.

I'll give this a shot today.

03-24-2012, 01:59 PM
I'll give this a shot today.

Just tried the WD40 and it didn't do a thing either. Any other suggestions? :confused:

03-24-2012, 02:10 PM
I was going to suggest a small amount of wax on the stained area; but, if WD 40 didn't work, the the wax wouldn't either.

Flash Gordon
03-24-2012, 02:27 PM
Just tried the WD40 and it didn't do a thing either. Any other suggestions? :confused:

You'll find a few different methods used in this thread. Use whichever one makes the most sense to you ;)


03-24-2012, 04:04 PM
You'll find a few different methods used in this thread. Use whichever one makes the most sense to you ;)


Artillery Fungus!! That's totally it after reading through that thread and one of the links in it. I've tried all the finger nail, OPC and other stuff I mentioned above and nothing puts a dent in most of them. The spores pick off super easy but some of them leave those stains that I've yet to beat. I've never even used a DA yet so the thought of sanding them off is terrifying but I might have to go that route. I'm gonna go back out and give it one more shot before I head down to the hardware store.

Thanks for the info!!

Flash Gordon
03-24-2012, 04:23 PM
Artillery Fungus!! That's totally it after reading through that thread and one of the links in it. I've tried all the finger nail, OPC and other stuff I mentioned above and nothing puts a dent in most of them. The spores pick off super easy but some of them leave those stains that I've yet to beat. I've never even used a DA yet so the thought of sanding them off is terrifying but I might have to go that route. I'm gonna go back out and give it one more shot before I head down to the hardware store.

Thanks for the info!!

What are you going to the hardware store for :nervous:

03-24-2012, 07:36 PM
I've had to use a clean, new, (without any nicks), plastic windshield scraper to gently shave them off. But still had to contend with removing the small pin-point stain that was left with a clay bar then something like Meguiar's Ultimate Compound. Still requires allot of work.

Old Tiger
03-24-2012, 08:04 PM
If there is mulch in the area, my bet is that it is Artillery Fungus! The GG wont remove it. I coated a buddy's black Mercedes and we had a bunch of it. M105 on an MF cutting pad did nothing. I used Brown Royal Wheel Cleaner full strength and elbow grease to remove them. BR is clear safe and highly alkaline. DP Cleans All may do the trick too. Petrol solvents didnt work as I recall.
Oops I didnt read far enough to see Flash's thread. Brown Royal is my go to for all crap on clear. Sorry for the old news on Artillery Fungus!

Flash Gordon
03-24-2012, 08:50 PM
I highly recommend you not sand that area. It just isn't necessary

Like OT said, APC & Elbow Grease will do the trick!....and a fingernail!!!

Old Tiger
03-24-2012, 09:11 PM
I highly recommend you not sand that area. It just isn't necessary

Like OT said, APC & Elbow Grease will do the trick!....and a fingernail!!!
Flash, Brown Royal will save your manicure. No nail needed IME.

Flash Gordon
03-24-2012, 09:18 PM
Flash, Brown Royal will save your manicure. No nail needed IME.

Thats good. I just had my nails done this past Monday

I've heard of Brown Royal but have never used it. I'll have to give it a try soon