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03-20-2012, 10:52 AM
I have owned my 2012 Camaro for less than 3 weeks. I clayed it, took the PC and polished it, took the PC and sealed it, I massaged 2 coats of $100 a jar wax. As a noob to pro-type detailing this took me days to accomplish. The car looks awesome! I was proud!

Last night while driving to work some lowlife scumbag thought it was a good idea to chuck a rock off of the freeway overpass and tried to take out my windshield. The R-Tard missed by 2 inches and caved in the roof. I didn't stop because I initially thought someone was shooting at me.

The car has 500 miles on it and the first pament isn't due until 4/2. A gal at work who used to appraise collision damage advised me if ANY Bondo goes on the car I should tell the adjuster that I refuse to accept a new car with bondo on it and that I should get a replacement vehicle.

What do you think?

03-20-2012, 11:00 AM
I almost cried when I read your story too

now I'm mad as heck

03-20-2012, 11:00 AM
If you have a good insurance company they wont send you to a place that will put bondo on the car.
You can always take the check the insurance company and take your car to the dealer to repair, have them order a brand new roof. You may have some $$ out of pocket, but at least you have the peace of mind that its as good as new.

03-20-2012, 11:01 AM
Makes me want to vomit.

03-20-2012, 11:04 AM
you have the option to use factory parts. that will get you the best fit

03-20-2012, 11:10 AM
Two words come to mind; Well Done or Extra Crispy .....OK, that's four....:mad:

Flash Gordon
03-20-2012, 11:24 AM
Scary stuff! Be greatfull that brick didn't hit you in the forehead

You have little choice then to have it repaired. Find a quality bodyshop and let them know up front how anal you can be regarding your whip

03-20-2012, 11:26 AM
How bad is the actual *paint* damage? A really good PDR (paintless dent removal) guy can quite possibly get the metal itself back to perfect. They don't just correct the contour of the metal, they correct the reflection. If the paint itself just has light scratches in the clear, well "that'll buff right out." The key is can the PDR guy get to the dent with his tools based on the actual location of the dent. And of course, the damage being mostly limited to the dent itself with only superficial damage to the clear. Other than insurance buying you a brand new car, I think this would be the best possible remedy because factory paint and existing sheet would be preserved.

I'm really sorry this happened to you. :(

Fast Eddie
03-20-2012, 11:28 AM
Well that suck for sure. Glad you weren't hurt though. I boggles my mind to think some people find throwing rocks off an overpass at cars is "fun".

03-20-2012, 11:33 AM
you should post a pic of the damage, so that the forum can better access how to go about remedying the situation.
in the mean time i would get it appraised at the dealership, then hand their findings over to the insurance company.

03-20-2012, 11:49 AM
I almost threw up just thinking about your poor car.

Glad you weren't hurt though.

03-20-2012, 12:52 PM
Ugh. Im boiling mad just reading that!

Im sorry bro, that just sucks.

Glad your okay though.

You should definitely post pictures so we can give some suggestions.

03-20-2012, 01:40 PM
I was out in the garage listening to Hendrix and having a few cold ones. Thank you everyone for your consideration.

As requested, I snapped a few pix with my iphone.

Stang Man
03-20-2012, 02:00 PM
Sucks for the damage, not sure I'd consider that "caved in" though, and I gaurantee you will not get a brand new car replacement for it.

A good body shop will get that taken care of though, and you'll never notice it was there.

I would remove the headliner and hammer and dolly it out. They might skim it with body filler, but once sanded it will be a miniscule amount.

03-20-2012, 02:30 PM
Ok, not near what I thought. Not to demean it in anyway, it sucks balls, but I was picturing like the roof pushed in multiple inches. A good body shop will have that looking like new