View Full Version : How to remove clearcoat layer on headlights

03-17-2012, 01:54 AM
Some of my customers came to me for headlight restoration, it seems that the lights have been restored by painter and been coated with paint clear coat, as a result the lights yellow again due to the lack of uv protection in the coat. The clearcoat was very hard and I have to sand down from 400 grit and spent almost 2 hours to get the job done.

Do you guys know which chemical I can use to remove the old clearcoat with using too abrasive sand paper?

03-17-2012, 05:46 AM
Unfortunately sanding is about the only safe way I know of. I'm afraid paint strippers and thinners will quickly attack the plastic ruining the light itself. To be honest, clearing appears to be a fairly common practice but this is the downside.

Restoring the light by sanding and polishing then applying a clear plastic protectant is the best way to keep clarity at its best. :props:

Setec Astronomy
03-17-2012, 07:06 AM
I think you're stuck with sanding, but if you're doing it by hand you may be able to speed up the process with a sanding disc on a drill, a GG 3", or a small pneumatic sander.