View Full Version : My Recent Texas Trip

03-16-2012, 11:29 AM
Well, last week I went down to Abilene, TX for my brother's wedding. His wedding was the 10th, but I went down the weekend before for his bachelor party and to spend the week with him.

Well, I decided to ship my detailing stuff down so I could tackle his lifted F350. I forgot my camera so I took some pics with my Iphone.

Here are some of the pics I took. I have a shaky hand so not all the pics were in focus unfortunately.

This the day I got there.


When my detailing stuff got there my brother and I got started on it around 8am.

We gave it a good wash using DP Xtreme Foam and wash mitt. He only had one bucket, but since we were polishing I wasn't too concerned.

Decontaminated the paint with Iron-X and Pinnacle Ultra fine clay.

I had just got the Meg's MF system and I can say that I was amazed at how well it worked. I did a few sections to test out the different MF pads and the D300. The MF cutting disk and D300 did a great job and probably got rid of 90% of the swirls and to my surprise finished LSP ready.

Here's a 50/50


Since my brother wanted to learn how to polish I put him to work on the rest of the truck with the PC and MF system. I worked on the hood and roof with my Flex PE14.

Don't mind all my brother's tattoos or plugs in his ears...he's actually a really soft kid! lol


And a few finished pics. All in all took the two of us around 8 hours to full detail the truck doing a 1 step polish and topping it with blackfire wet diamond.

Tires were dressed with Blackfire Total Eclipse Tire Gel


Of course the next day it decided to rain...so here's a nice beading shot of the hood


On a side note my brother attempted to teach me how to ride his now wife's motorcycle...let's just say it was an adventure. I ended up hitting his old beater truck he had parked in the street. I was only going about 5 mph so I didn't get hurt. But caused some damage to the bike...


Nothing a little duct tape and spray paint couldn't fix. I should note that this bike was already beat up pretty good. I told him I'll give him the money for it when he decides to get it fixed.




This was when I initially took off on the bike...my own fault for not using the clutch...after this incident I ended up popping over a curb and drove through someone's yard before I got the hang of it. After that I was fine riding up and down the street and turning. Just took me a little longer than I expected. Needless to say I didn't go out on the roads! Thought this was a funny story though that I'd share. I'm sure most of you who ride bikes will get a good kick out of it!

03-16-2012, 11:35 AM
LOL...The truck looks good!

03-16-2012, 12:53 PM
The truck looks great Jason!!

I hope the ouch on the bike wasn't a alcohol related incindent! Lol

Glad you didn't get hurt tho.

03-16-2012, 01:05 PM
Nice job on the truck's paint. And even nicer of you to do it for him.

Just one gripe. Don't forget the fender liners. A little scrubbing and a application of vinyl or rubber treatment would be the cherry on the top.

Don't worry about crashing on your first attempt at riding. That's why I keep my old Honda 80 around. Low to the ground, very little power, and no bodywork. The perfect bike to learn clutch and throttle control on. I was able to get three girlfrinds into riding with that bike.

03-16-2012, 01:12 PM
Nice job on the truck's paint. And even nicer of you to do it for him.

Just one gripe. Don't forget the fender liners. A little scrubbing and a application of vinyl or rubber treatment would be the cherry on the top.

Don't worry about crashing on your first attempt at riding. That's why I keep my old Honda 80 around. Low to the ground, very little power, and no bodywork. The perfect bike to learn clutch and throttle control on. I was able to get three girlfrinds into riding with that bike.

I actually did treat all the fender liners. I cleaned them all with OPC and a stiff brush and then applied 303 aerospace. The fender liners int he front weren't your typical plastic. They were almost a foam type material. They looked good once I had the 303 on them but by the time we finished and I got around to the pics most of it had dried up or seeped into the foam. Hence why it looks like part is dressed and part isn't. I wasn't overly concerned since I knew the next day it was going to rain anyway. And that truck slings up water like crazy. One drive the next day his truck was filthy again.

But i appreciate the feedback. If this was a clients car it would of gotten a full dressing and I would have made sure everything was even. I also was limited to what I had on hand. So, the 303 he had was what I was going to use.

03-16-2012, 01:15 PM
I'll have to take a closer look at one of those trucks next time I see one.

Never knew they were not just your standard smooth plastic liners. Those sound like they would be a real pain to keep clean and shiny.

03-16-2012, 01:19 PM
Yeah the rear fender liners were your typical smooth plastic but for some reason the front was not. No clue as to why. Never came across them before, but I also don't do a lot of F350's so don't know if they are standard.

Flash Gordon
03-16-2012, 04:42 PM
Looks great Jason!

Funny motorcycle story! Glad you weren't hurt!

03-16-2012, 04:57 PM
No bachelor party stories? Rather see the pics from that party then the truck. Nice truck, great job, but come on man!

03-17-2012, 08:22 AM
No bachelor party stories? Rather see the pics from that party then the truck. Nice truck, great job, but come on man!

Oh come on can't share those stories on a public forum!

Porsche Pilot
03-17-2012, 08:44 AM
Great job Jason and welcome home! That is a lot of truck and hopefully brother can maintain it to the Perrydore standard.

03-17-2012, 10:19 AM
Oh come on can't share those stories on a public forum!

What happens in Texas doesn't stay in Texas. :Picture:

03-18-2012, 02:02 PM
Great job Jason and welcome home! That is a lot of truck and hopefully brother can maintain it to the Perrydore standard.

I'll be buying him a DA for his birthday which is coming up. He wants to polish out his 91 ford f250 and his wife's Saturn. His old ford has single stage paint and is extremely oxidized.

And he's pretty OCD about keeping his truck clean. Just needed a little guidance and a stern talking to about the do it yourself car wash places. He was using the brushes that they provide to wash his truck.

03-18-2012, 02:12 PM
How did you work around the red pin stripping?

Im going to be doing my brothers lancer soon and he has the same thing. Curious what you did.

03-18-2012, 02:32 PM
How did you work around the red pin stripping?

Im going to be doing my brothers lancer soon and he has the same thing. Curious what you did.

I taped it up. Polished the whole truck then removed the tape and did a light polish on the stripes with my DA. They were painted on so they were more resilient than vinyl stripes.