View Full Version : Trimming Grit Guard to Fit Bucket

03-15-2012, 02:29 PM
I got a couple of nice buckets free from Advance Auto Parts when I bought some micro fiber towls. I purchased a couple of grit guards to go in the bottom of the buckets. To my surprise the grit guards did not fit. They would only go about halfway to the bottom of the buckets. I trimmed the outside ring off to make them fit. The problem is that the grit guard is a tad smaller now than the bottom of the bucket. Will the grit guard still work as designed?? Thanks.

03-15-2012, 02:35 PM
I would think so. I think the majority of the design surrounds the fins at the bottom. That keeps the water from swirling around the bottom. If you decide to throw them out, go to Lowes and pick up their grey buckets...they work perfectly with GG's.

03-15-2012, 02:36 PM
Just go to lowes or home depot to get buckets...
They are like 2$....
It's not worth making the grit guard look all ugly... just for a bucket

03-15-2012, 02:37 PM
it's too late but you could have just used those buckets for wheels or whatever and got the HD buckets...

03-15-2012, 02:38 PM
you know what, on second thought, you might be degrading your wash media by rubbing it across and then snagging the wash media on the end of the gg. toss em.

03-15-2012, 03:15 PM
I only trimmed one of them so the other one is still the default size. The one I trimmed I smoothed the edges so there are no sharp edges or anything. I really don't want to have to buy another GG. I have spent like $500 already in the last 3 months on car detailing stuff. I can't afford anymore....LOL.

I had regular 5 gallon buckets, but they have been used for other stuff around the house (dirt rocks.....etc) and I didn't want to risk releasing grit and crap that might be in the plastic in the buckets. I wanted to use the Advance ones for dedicated car use.

On a side note the gg's trim really easy. My main question still is will the GG be as effective even if it is not quite edge to edge at the bottom of the bucket?

03-15-2012, 03:21 PM
May have just answered my own question. Right from the GG website:

Does the Grit Guard fit any bucket?
The Grit Guard fits any standard 3.5, 4, 5, 6, and 7 gallon bucket.
List of Buckets that the Grit Guard Insert fits (Updated 6/11/2009)

The Grit Guard® Bucket (optimum, snug fit, when you tip the bucket over, the insert stays in the bucket)
Home Depot Bucket
Most Drywall Buckets Buckets that Don't Fit
New Lowes bucket (you would have to slightly cut down the Grit Guard)

03-15-2012, 09:07 PM
I have 4 buckets and grit guards. The 1st two I purchased I had to trim the guards to fit the bucket. No it does not cause any issues and would cut them again if I couldn't find anything suitable
