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03-11-2012, 07:59 PM
For the past six months or so my right knee has been giving me a lot of problems while detailing. So I finally broke down and went to see my doc, and of course, he sent me to see an orthopedic surgeon.

Long story short is the meniscus is torn in my right knee...so surgery on March 22. From what I have been told it may be as long as two months before I can start detailing again.

There are a couple of vehicles waiting on me now and the plan is to knock them out next weekend.

Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers on the 22nd. I can use all the help I can get.

tuscarora dave
03-11-2012, 08:07 PM
I will, I hope all goes well with the surgery.

03-11-2012, 08:19 PM
Praying for a speedy recovery! Good luck buddy!

Ron Atchison
03-11-2012, 08:23 PM
You already know how I feel about it. Will be thinking about you on the 22nd.:)

03-11-2012, 08:25 PM
I tore the one in my left knee a few years back and had it operated on. Everything will be OK. Good luck, you have my prayers.

03-11-2012, 08:40 PM
Had 3 torn meniscus surgeries along with a cartilage transplant on my right knee. The meniscus surgeries is not that bad. I went back to work after 2 weeks. Get a good stool(one you can lower and raise). As long as you keep your leg straight sitting down you can do it. Kneeling and squatting will hurt for a lot longer.

03-11-2012, 11:06 PM
I've had 2 operations on my L knee. The 2nd one was a partial replacement. It is now buggered. I will always walk with a limp now and am in pain all the time. Get a 2nd opinion before you go under the knife.

Bates Detailing
03-11-2012, 11:14 PM
Wow - sorry to hear that man.... hope all goes smoothly for you. When you said it was bothering you, what were the issues? Mine pop and feel very weak at times (unable to hold the weight) - is this similar to what you were experiencing?

Setec Astronomy
03-11-2012, 11:23 PM
Listen to Richy--there may be some cases where surgery is the only option, but an ortho will always want to operate, and it is no longer accepted that surgery is always the best treatment--you can try PT, etc. Just don't think you absolutely have to have surgery, especially if you have been living with it for some months.

davey g-force
03-12-2012, 12:46 AM
I have just been diagnosed with the exact same thing! Right knee too. AND my name's Dave too. :spooky:

It's been giving me grief since November last year, but I'm still hesitant to get it operated on.

Good luck anyway mate and let us know how it all works out..

Bates Detailing
03-12-2012, 12:53 AM
I have just been diagnosed with the exact same thing! Right knee too. AND my name's Dave too. :spooky:

It's been giving me grief since November last year, but I'm still hesitant to get it operated on.

Good luck anyway mate and let us know how it all works out..

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fola80rQop4]Dusty Springfield - Spooky - YouTube[/video]

03-12-2012, 05:37 AM
Had meniscus surgery back in November and while i am able to work out and do daily life activities, i still have that feeling that lack of strength in my knee. I know im 40 but still!!

03-12-2012, 05:59 AM

The outcome is dependent on many variables.

How extensive is the tear?
Is there other damage?
How long has this been festering?
How competent is the surgeon?

I had two meniscus tears in my right knee. I saw what was supposed to be one of the best orthopedic surgeons in Boston. Surgery 1 wasn't very successful at all. I put up with the discomfort for 3 years and then had it redone.

I was fortunate enough to see Dr Brian Mekean, the orthopedic surgeon for the Boston Celtics. This guys on top of his game and I don't have one ounce of pain or discomfort. I can bend, run, cycle, play softball, and volleyball.... The Best of Luck to you!! :props:

03-12-2012, 06:16 AM
Good luck, hope the best for you.

Friend of mine had 2 partial knee replacement on 7-DEC.
He is doing so much better than before. He was walking bow legged trying to keep the weight off the insides, now he stands straight again.
Stairs always gave him grief, now he can use the commercial stair machine ( basically a small escalator ) for 45 min no problem.
The other day he did 200 flights up and 200 flights down, all 90 days after.

I had a full L hip replacement on 11-OCT-11, and at 5 weeks I was released to no restrictions. By thanksgiving I felt like I was 30 again.
My knees stopped hurting ( had been a decade plus ) and my back does not hurt unless I actually strain it now. I spent 4 hours doing a full correction and polish on the solid surface walls in the master bath shower, and I was on my knees a lot. Not an issue that night, took the dogs for a walk as normal.

The only advice I can give you to help, follow the post op instructions to the letter. Don't go off the reservation on any of this. The only thing you can do is more of the exercises, if you can do them correctly. Don't do more for the sake of doing more, while doing it wrong. The first week you might only be able to do 1 more rep, that is great.

Good luck, let us know how you are doing post OP. It will hurt, no sugar coating it.
Like I told myself, time to put my big boy pants on.

03-12-2012, 07:23 AM
Sorry to hear of your problem. The others are right about getting a 2nd opinion, and making sure the doctor is good.

My wife had both knees replaced, and we went to a doctor who only does knees and hips. Long story short, it wasn't cheap, but she hasn't had any problems since. She followed doc's orders, and did the exercises.