View Full Version : Help needed on pricing

03-08-2012, 08:07 AM
Hi buddies http://www.zerotohundred.com/newforums/images/smilies/gtnsmilies/itsme.gif

as the title suggests i need your advice on pricing:

paint correctiion
interior with steam
Full restoration (inclusive of the above)
I know there are threads on this, but I'm finding this one quite difficult to talk to a potential customer on this issue.

To give you some info, i've bought products from US n Uk.

what I pay is the products + Shipping (>80% of price) + charges n taxes (30%)
And most people don't know anything abt detailing in my small island.

Please give me some pointers http://www.zerotohundred.com/newforums/images/smilies/gtnsmilies/idea.gif, a few persons have asked me.
but I'm unable to formulate a pricing strategy. http://www.zerotohundred.com/newforums/images/smilies/gtnsmilies/confused.gif

Many thanks,

Bates Detailing
03-08-2012, 08:25 AM
It all depends on how much time , product, and expertise you have into your details. Some charge anywhere from 5 an hour to 50 an hour with their prices, some even more. Many variables matter when pricing is involved.