View Full Version : Aaarrrrrggggg!!!!

03-07-2012, 02:37 PM
Its nice out today in Michigan (64 degrees) and I want to wash the ride, but I don't have time the garage isn't set up yet and after being on this forum I'll never go through a drive thru again, AAAARRRRGGGG !!

Plus tomorrow calls for snow !! Welcome to Michigan !!!

Setec Astronomy
03-07-2012, 02:41 PM
Hey man, get a hold of yourself...we're going to do two things for you here at Autogeek Online:

1. Group Hug!

2. Make sure Spring is just around the corner!

03-07-2012, 03:12 PM

Be a liiiittle more patient. Although I'd go nuts over that too lol.

03-07-2012, 03:32 PM
I feel the pain! hang in bro were almost there good weather right around the corner :righton: