View Full Version : Chevy agreed to repair my scratched up side mirror!

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03-08-2007, 05:51 PM
Hello everyone!
Those of you that addressed my post - which were several of you - regarding my passenger side mirror? Remember I used an indigo microfiber to wipe it off with Stoner's?
And I got very light, fine scrathches all across the mirror?

Well I asked for help; Kllr suggested window wax, and I got some on eBay. No real luck. Looked the same.

Bence, I believe, said take it up with the dealer. He made many good points and I had to agree - why had I not thought of it?
I had to go to the dealer with a small issue, so I brought it up.
Guess what?

The are going to replace it! Yipppeee!!
Thank you guys! I do not know why I did not think of that first.

It seems to me that for that to do such a thing, it was not not well made to scratch so ridiculously easily. I have never babied a car to that degree before and never have any of our mirrors scratched, ever, at all. Especially on an overpriced sportscar.

(Now you know one of the million reasons I do not buy American, altho' guess there is always an exception.....see about my first car the Reliant K by Plymouth before you criticize me for that please!!) Altho Saturns get my approval...

I get it fixed like it SHOULD BE!!
THAT don't happen often!
Lauren:) :grouphug:

03-08-2007, 07:59 PM
(Reliant K by Plymouth) Now thats funny!:D

Glade it work out for you.

03-08-2007, 10:56 PM
See? Told you :D!

03-09-2007, 12:05 AM
(Reliant K by Plymouth) Now thats funny!:D

Glade it work out for you.

ok so you know what i mean, and back then, omg, it was soooo not funny!

03-09-2007, 12:07 AM
See? Told you :D!

bence, you rock! sometimes i am a total dingaling.
you're the man today! yee ha!!!
thanks lots!
lauren:) :applause:

03-09-2007, 12:11 AM

03-09-2007, 12:16 AM
thanks nuke33!

03-09-2007, 01:21 AM
that is sweet, plus a first hand experience that chevy is keeping the consumer in mind, not screwing EVERYone..

03-09-2007, 10:20 AM
I'm happy for you, Lauren. It could have been a deffect of a manufacturer. Hopefully it will work out for you.

03-09-2007, 10:51 AM
Congratulations. I also own a Chevy, but have nightmare stories to tell about the stealership that I was taking it to. Finally I had enough and took it to another and they fixed everthing the other was supposed to fix. All depends on the dealership. I must tell you, I word for one of the Big three and I have noticed that the manufacturers are working to make better products, but the dealerships are still very reluctant to treat the customer right. Congrats anyways, sorry for my rant!!!!

03-09-2007, 11:14 AM
Come on Lauren, tell us the truth...you went in there all dressed up struting your thing and made the guy melt and got him to agree to replace it for you...it's okay I would have done the same thing. hahahaha

Just teasing, I'm glad it worked out for you...but didn't they even put up a fight? Nothing?

03-09-2007, 11:38 AM
Did they say why it scratched so easily?

03-09-2007, 12:08 PM
Many of the exterior mirrors are plastic not glass. That could possibly account for the scratches if its true of yours.

03-09-2007, 05:21 PM
no offense Lauren, but they will likely scratch the paint on car while replacing mirror.

My wife had her Blazer broken into, so I took it to the corner and paint GMC to install the one they ripped off (probably to avoid light) and they came back an hour later with a rental car and offered they were ordering a new windshield now !!

03-10-2007, 12:02 PM
no offense Lauren, but they will likely scratch the paint on car while replacing mirror.

My wife had her Blazer broken into, so I took it to the corner and paint GMC to install the one they ripped off (probably to avoid light) and they came back an hour later with a rental car and offered they were ordering a new windshield now !!

I happen to have a really good dealer - to date, I have never, nor has anyone in my family, done business with a dealership with such a high level of customer service. It tends to be extraordinary.
I am going to take my chances. Usually, when I drop it off, not only is it immaculate but I let them know there's not a mark on it, so don't wash it, and I better get it back the same way. So far, I have. It has been in the dealer three times now....never an issue at all.
I appreciate the warning, and I am sorry to hear other Chevy dealerships are treating people like crap. They would not have gotten my money for a vette, let me tell you!
I usually only got with Honda and Toyota ...and Saturn.
I hope I don't get proven right about about the big 3.....
Thank you everyone for your inout.