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02-27-2012, 12:38 AM
No error code is given. See post 13 for what the blank page ends up saying. Reseting the local area network is done, but there's still a problem with the connection at autopiayadayadayada (72.284.yada, yada, yada), though I don't think that's the error code. Wouldn't it say, "error code ...(numbers here)?"

I've had enough for this evening.

How about you Flash? You get in yet?

02-27-2012, 12:49 AM
I hear ya. Take a stab tomorrow. Ensure that you do try an alternate DNS server and let me know what happens. You can PM me and tomorrow night I can try some phone support if needed. If you are seeing a reset connection, it can be a number of things and trying to go around your service provider may help.

Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk

Flash Gordon
02-27-2012, 09:20 AM
How about you Flash? You get in yet?

Nope! :help:

02-27-2012, 10:47 AM
what url are you using?

02-27-2012, 04:57 PM
what url are you using?

I don't know the same one I've been using I guess. You mean the address right?

All of my settings are back as they were before all of this started. I just came home from being gone all day, I went the autopia home page, clicked on the forum link to go to the forum...

...and it loaded without a hitch. Go figure. As a result I still don't think the issue was on my end.

02-27-2012, 05:42 PM
I should tell you I'm running Vista.

Well there you go! :D

More seriously, if the problem wasn't on your machine, it was still likely close to your end. Either between you and your ISP or between your ISP and autopia.org. You might want to do a tracert autopia.org from a cmd line to get an idea of the multiple steps (hops in IT lingo) your data takes between you and autopia. Then if things go bad again, run the same command and compare. That way you can get an idea if one of your ISP's routers is having a brain fart or if the problem is on the other side of your ISP. In any event, if a lot of other people report success reaching the site, it's not very likely that there's a server problem with that site, is it? Another tool to use is nslookup. nslookup autopia.org should spit out a 32 bit address (shown as xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx where xxx=a number between 0 and 254). You can also run tracert on this number. Or tracert -d (this takes DNS out of the picture.) With these tools you should be able to get an idea if a problem is DNS related or a problem somewhere along the path between you and the site ou want to reach.

02-27-2012, 05:54 PM
Well there you go! :D

More seriously, if the problem wasn't on your machine, it was still likely close to your end. Either between you and your ISP or between your ISP and autopia.org. You might want to do a tracert autopia.org from a cmd line to get an idea of the multiple steps (hops in IT lingo) your data takes between you and autopia. Then if things go bad again, run the same command and compare. That way you can get an idea if one of your ISP's routers is having a brain fart or if the problem is on the other side of your ISP. In any event, if a lot of other people report success reaching the site, it's not very likely that there's a server problem with that site, is it? Another tool to use is nslookup. nslookup autopia.org should spit out a 32 bit address (shown as xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx where xxx=a number between 0 and 254). You can also run tracert on this number. Or tracert -d (this takes DNS out of the picture.) With these tools you should be able to get an idea if a problem is DNS related or a problem somewhere along the path between you and the site ou want to reach.

Dude you're going to have to slow down and speak english if you're wanting to help me. LOL! If it isn't do this, do that, or click this, then that, I am totally lost. Besides, if it's working now, why try and fix what isn't broken.

Am I supposed to type in "nslookup autopia.org" somehwere? What the heck is a tracert anyway? Am I suppose to type in "tracert autopia.org...never mind I think I got that one. I can follow is just like I did last night.

How do you guys know all of this stuff?

12 steps in the tracert.

nslookup...what do I do with the numbers, I wrote them down? xxx.xxx.x.x and xx.xxx.xxx.xx

tracert -d ... Not sure I understand how to do that one.