View Full Version : The Uber expensive waxes...what are they REALLY?

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Klasse Act
02-25-2012, 08:52 AM
Over the years I've seen from time to time these VERY expensive waxes, ranging form $1000 for some Zymol product that I can't remember the name of, please forgive me, to this recent Swissvax that's $3500. Now I know there's guys out there that can spend that money all day long, so my question is this, what's really in there that makes it cost so much? Is there a "real" advantage to these products? I know this, years ago when I found Pinnacle Souvern and it was $60.00 a tub I thought that was alot of money. I mean I bought the stuff and thought it worked pretty well, especially on this 88' M-B 560 SEL I used it on, actually seemed to change the color the car (charcoal gray) and when the lady came to pick up the car she had tears in her eyes because of how it looked (not patting myself on the back, the wax gets all the credit there I believe!)

I'm sure you fair and unbiased about this so please, clue me/us in on this and forgive me if this has beena asked before too.

Setec Astronomy
02-25-2012, 09:03 AM
The usual range of responses on this is "I'll never spend any more than $xx on a wax" "why would you spend $1800 on a wax when you can get ABC for $30/50/80/150?" "you just don't understand (the $1800 wax) until you've used it".

The direct answer to "what's really in there that makes it cost so much" is some wax, some hyperbole, and some marketing expertise.

IMO there is some scale of diminishing returns...yeah, maybe an $1800 jar of wax is better...but is it really $1720 better than a jar of Souveran etc?

Let the arguing commence.

02-25-2012, 09:10 AM
Overpriced ;)

tuscarora dave
02-25-2012, 09:10 AM
As far as I am aware, Carnauba wax comes from the leaves a type of palm tree so unless there is some magic palm tree somewhere I'd say it's just a wax that feeds the image or spending needs of the purchaser.

I'd bet the forces that drives a man to spend that kind of coin on a tub of wax has absolutely nothing to do with wax at all.

02-25-2012, 09:16 AM
Here is my take....

On a properly prepped car I don't think that 95% of the people will be able to tell the difference between fuzion, souveran, maxwax, carbon, royale or any waxes really. I remember a test done a couple years ago, I believe on a Ferrari, where different waxes were tested side by side - P21s 100%, Royale, and a few others were tested and only one or two people were able to pick out the super high dollar Royale over the other waxes, and I honestly believe that was out of luck mostly.

I have Fuzion and Souveran, I love them but not so much convinced that they are worlds ahead of even a $20 or $30 was as far as looks go. I love them more so for the ease of use, I hate killing my arm trying to buff off a wax that has hazed and set up on the paint.

02-25-2012, 09:58 AM
Most people who will tell you it's not worth it have never actually tried or owned one of these waxes.

True story.

Buy one and make your own opinion!

Klasse Act
02-25-2012, 10:00 AM
Being a logical thinking person most of you guys have said what I thought too. I've been using Griot's caranuba for a couple years now, along with Klasse and Zaino. Personally, IMO, the Griot's wax stick (33% content) is the best product that I've used from them so far. I like the their Best of Show for sure (23% content) but I've found that the wax stick is not only easier to apply, which is a given but its easier to remove and less dusty. Now, I have not tried their brand new caranuba but I may down the road and maybe by that time they'll have put it in the easy to use "deodorant stick" too.

This thread also reminds of the fact that I seem to be moving away from caranuba's and towards products like Zaino Z-5 pro/Zaino Clear Seal and ofcoarse, using Klasse products from time to time, just to go down that road that introduced me to products other than caranuba. Has anyone else gone this route? Will I really miss anything when I move away from caranuba's?

Klasse Act
02-25-2012, 10:15 AM
Most people who will tell you it's not worth it have never actually tried or owned one of these waxes.

True story.

Buy one and make your own opinion!

I checked out that GT-R, nice, nice work and I don't think your being cocky, you did an amazing job on a amazing car, confidence is what it is....CONFIDENCE!

Now, what Uber expensive wax have you tried and/or have that you think really makes all the difference in the world? I ask you because of what you posted here in my thread, thought you'd have a product to talk about. As far as me buying one and deciding for myself, well, as soon as I line up all the numbers in one row on my my lotto ticket I will, trust me because if that happens I'll try out everything and have everything and then I'll be confinded to an institution because I'll be the garage for monthes and monthes:buffing:

Setec Astronomy
02-25-2012, 10:21 AM
as soon as I line up all the numbers in one row on my my lotto ticket I will, trust me because if that happens I'll try out everything and have everything and then I'll be confined to an institution because I'll be the garage for months and months

I think the odds are that you will wind up institutionalized for trying to get all your numbers in a row way before you'll win. The one we have here is 177 million to 1...I think you have a much better chance of getting hit by lightning than winning. Or as Joshua says in War Games "what a strange game...the only winning move is not to play..."

02-25-2012, 10:29 AM
Here is my experience with those expensive waxes....

My fiancee bought me a jar of Swissvax Concorso for my birthday last year. I was so very surprised she bought it for me considering how expensive it is. I have used it twice on my car. I did a 3 stage machine polish on my car (2010 Acura TSX) last year in July, and applied a layer of Concorso. The instructions say after the product has been applied, to leave it sitting out in the sun, as this will create a deeper wetter look-and yeah it does.

Towards the end of October, I was gearing up to do a winter detail on mine and my fiancee's rides and picked up a can of Collinite 915 from AG. When I was prepping my car for machine polishing I washed, clayed, and then washed it with Dawn mixed with Meg's Gold Class. They claying and washing only removed about 50% of the wax, as it was still beading like crazy. So to me, the Swissvax was extrememly durable, provides great protection, makes my car look great! And last a very long time. In the end I put a layer of Collinite 915 and layered that with the Swissvax Concorso.

On my fiancee's RX350, I polished using WGFG and only put layer of Collinite 915 on it. The silver paint looked really glassy. The beading looked very similar to the Swissvax but I noticed that it doesn't last as long as the Swissvax.

So with all that said, yes the Swissvax, IMO, last a bit longer, and provides alittle deeper look. Is it worth the $329...I don't think I'd personally pay that much. I'm blessed to have a very thoughtful woman.

Klasse Act
02-25-2012, 10:29 AM
I think the odds are that you will wind up institutionalized for trying to get all your numbers in a row way before you'll win. The one we have here is 177 million to 1...I think you have a much better chance of getting hit by lightning than winning. Or as Joshua says in War Games "what a strange game...the only winning move is not to play..."

Yeah I hear yah, I only play when its big (over 100 million), great reference to War Games, I always watch it when its on cable too:xyxthumbs:

I'm sure its been discussed here but I remember seeing that episode of Fifth Gear where the guy uses that brick of caranuba and applies the wax using his hands, I wonder what that costs, geeez? Then there's his "80 step" process to doing a car, WTH! IIRC he charges like 2500 lbs for the detail, they showed him detailing a Maserati MC-12 and if I were that guy I'd charge more because of having to look at such an ugly ass car for the day.

02-25-2012, 10:53 AM
Most people who will tell you it's not worth it have never actually tried or owned one of these waxes.The truth is told!!

Klasse Act
02-25-2012, 11:08 AM
The truth is told!!

Fred, what have you used and what on? BTW, I grew up in Detroit (8 mile and Ryan area) and I see your from Warren, lived there for a while and have friends in the area, where abouts you at?

02-25-2012, 11:09 AM
On my properly prepped 350z, I applied souveran to half the hood, and m21 on the other half. I honestly couldn't tell the difference. M21 is very easy to use and has a nice banana scent. However, is easy as M21 was to use, souveran was that pleasant to use. Between the buttery texture and amazing scent, to me that alone makes it worth the price. To spend more, that I am not so sure. So I guess in my opinion there is a reasonable ceiling as to when a wax becomes not worth it, and above $100, not sure it would ever be to me.

Kris R
02-25-2012, 11:31 AM
The truth is told!!

I don't even know where to begin here. The $500+ dollar wax debate is the modern day "Emperors New Clothes" tale. The placebo effect is just flat out ignored. The Subjective nature of the results is a HUGE variable in reviews of these waxes.

Lets use common sense here: Wax is not what makes a car shiny. Its the condition of the paint prior to the protection stage that is the key.

I used a lot of synthetic stuff and different 30-40 dollar waxes before moving up to pinnacle souveran. I was blown away at the depth and shine this wax produced. It was extremely different from what I had used before. Also I noticed that a) a little went a long way, b) it was MUCH easier to apply and take off. Would I pay double for this to last longer in the florida climate? probably. But thats a far as it goes with price. Because its not possible without laboratory testing to get a shinier finish when done right. (using the same car, same light same polish job you wouldn't notice the difference with a 2000 wax) Ive seen it with my own eyes. This is not speculation.

Lastly, it doesn't matter how expensive your wax is, your vehicle is still subject to pollen, bugs, rock chips, rain, dirt, and UV sunlight. I would imagine that spending this much on a wax would be for a VERY expensive car correct? Therefore it probably isn't a daily driver and probably spends a good amount of time under a cover or in a garage protected correct? Most probably a show car where it won't be exposed to the harsh conditions right? So why is the added durability so important? (I have seen the durability and beading action of the higher end stuff and it was noticeable but why??)

Everyone has an opinion. And everyone has a different bank roll. lets just call an opinion an opinion based on personal taste and lets not make wild subjective claims and state it as fact just because you fell for the fancy marketing. :dblthumb2: