View Full Version : Layering,curing ,bonding?

02-24-2012, 01:49 PM
I am aware that most sealant,waxes and LSPs in general require curing time before adding additional coats,some at least 12 hours.Does this apply to AIOs like Poli-Seal,KAIO and others?I've read where some use a spraywax like OCW after an AIO with no mention of curing time.

Ted S.
02-24-2012, 02:09 PM
Not sure about the others, But the cleaners in KAIO will remove any protection left by previous applications, regardless of curing. I'd assume any AIO that "cleans" paint will likely do the same.

EDIT: As far as the cure time for KAIO, I'm not sure there is one. I go straight to applying a dedicated sealant or wax after use.

02-24-2012, 02:42 PM
generally, the product will tell you if it needs time to cure.

Most polymer-based sealants need time to crosslink for maximum durability

I've topped both KAIO and PS without waiting and had no issues. Can't speak to all AIO's however.