View Full Version : What's the strongest auto shampoo that...

02-20-2012, 05:20 PM
...will not strip product. I keep my car outside 24/7 and I always get these very small light brown dots over the horizonal panels of the car. It looks like something might be falling off the tree beside the drive way, sap or something. It not thick, in fact it looks like very small brown waterspots. These are hard to scrub off, I have to look for them and rub them off individually, using some pressure. A normal car wash scrubbing will not take them all off. I'm wondering if a stronger car wash might help? So I'm looking for some of the stronger car shampoos out there, any suggestions?

02-20-2012, 05:52 PM
...will not strip product. I keep my car outside 24/7 and I always get these very small light brown dots over the horizonal panels of the car. It looks like something might be falling off the tree beside the drive way, sap or something. It not thick, in fact it looks like very small brown waterspots. These are hard to scrub off, I have to look for them and rub them off individually, using some pressure. A normal car wash scrubbing will not take them all off. I'm wondering if a stronger car wash might help? So I'm looking for some of the stronger car shampoos out there, any suggestions?

If it's been irremovable tree sap using your current car wash product...It may take more than a "stronger car wash" to get them out.

Would you define your: "normal car wash scrubbing" technique/products/tools? I hardly ever see anyone post a car washing session in quite these terms!

It also wouldn't be a bad idea to look into finding another parking place, if at all possible


Setec Astronomy
02-20-2012, 05:56 PM
Another thought would be to get a nice layer of wax or sealant on there so the brown spots won't stick so tenaciously.

02-20-2012, 07:05 PM
Sounds like a case for clay and sealant.

Stang Man
02-20-2012, 08:13 PM
Clay and sealant!

That "scrubbing" you're doing can't be good for the finish :(

02-20-2012, 08:29 PM
I use the 2 bucket method with grit gusrd in the rinse bucket. Cuurrently I'm using Meguiars Gold Class Wash with 1oz. ONR. I wash with a Microfiber Chenille Mitt. Ican get the spots out using this shampoo and this mitt but I have to go back over mainly the horizonal surfaces looking hard the find these spots. When i see one I can get it off using the same wash mitt but I need to rub hard using finertip pressure to scubb it off. The thing is they are very hard to see, you need the get within inches, but my problem is that I don't want these tiny dots building up on the surface. And I certainly don't want them sitting on the clearcoat for a long period of time. I don't have any other place to move my car that still wouldn't be in range of the tree. I just want to find a shampoo that would possible remove these spots without using so much elbow grease. MY car is sealed with Klasse AIO then with 2x Collinite 845, plus several different QD and spray waxes. Lately I've been using XMT 360 and I love it. These LSPs do help to an extent but these spots are still very stubborn. Any brands of shampoo that withnot strip the LSP but are considered to be very strong (lots of cleaners)?

02-20-2012, 08:34 PM
Einszett Exclusiv cleans very well, would NOT consider it harsh but very effective. As others suggested try to spot clean those spots during week as possible.

02-20-2012, 08:46 PM
The problem sounds like tree sap. I would try a 50-50 mix of isopropyl alcohol and demineralized water in a spray bottle. Second thing to do is try not to park under trees. Third suggestion is to buy a car cover after you get the spots removed.

Vegas Transplant
02-20-2012, 09:37 PM
The problem sounds like tree sap. I would try a 50-50 mix of isopropyl alcohol and demineralized water in a spray bottle. Second thing to do is try not to park under trees. Third suggestion is to buy a car cover after you get the spots removed.

Would not that remove the protection?

02-21-2012, 09:38 AM
Would not that remove the protection?
I am not positive that alcohol will remove sealant and wax but this is the method I use. I put on a coat of wax after cleaning off the sap just to be sure. Tree sap is some tough stuff to remove. Clay bar and polishing is another option but this will surely strip off any sealant or wax.

02-21-2012, 11:07 AM
Thanks for the suggestions. I have several 1Z products that I use and really like alot so I think I'll try the 1Z first off. As for a car cover. I've been debating about buying one even before I purchased this car but keep reading stories about how bad they can be for your paint. Any experienced car cover guys out there?