View Full Version : beware of iron-x

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02-18-2012, 10:01 PM
it stains!
here is the story:
i have an wheel cleaner that i use for a while and is safe , but with all the hype i got 1liter of iron-x to use it on wheels.

i did few cars and except the strong smell it worked ok.
got this car the other day and i start to prepare the bushes so i can clean the wheels.
brake pads cool , work in a shade , around 50F outside so no worries.
i start with one side , i spray iron-x , let it sit while i spray the other wheel on same side.
after 1-3 minutes the purple was still wet i start agitated with brushes , took the pressure washer and rinse it well clean, i move to the second wheel , same.. clean ..nice.
went on the other side of the car to clean the wheels did both ,in 5 - max 10 minutes? or less , i just went to pick up some tools from the first side and saw some purple coming up from the wheel cap, was dripping all the way down on the wheel , was 50f outside and the cleaner/iron-x wasn`t dry. i power wash the wheel again at least 5-6 times till no more purple was seen , but the wheel got stained , like a rust line where the purple drip.....
no pic taken i just took a mf towel and start rubbing .. took most of it out but still i don`t wanna imagine iron-x on the wheels in 100F outside.... just beware and use it with caution...

02-18-2012, 10:44 PM
Hmm this is the first time I've personally heard of this. I've always had fantastic experiences with IronX no matter what I've used it on. What kind of wheels were they? And I usually clean the wheels before IronX application, thats probably why you saw so much 'purple'

Stang Man
02-18-2012, 10:46 PM
Sounds like the water and Iron X were leaking out of a center cap over a prolonged period of time.

Not sure if thats a good thing or not, though. Sounds like something to watch out for.

02-18-2012, 10:59 PM
Sounds like the water and Iron X were leaking out of a center cap over a prolonged period of time.
Not sure if thats a good thing or not, though. Sounds like something to watch out for.

the time was max 10 minutes in a cool 50F, and wasn`t dry on it , on the line where it drip it left like an rust line , kind of hard to remove it...
i was surprise to see that happen.

What kind of wheels were they? And I usually clean the wheels before IronX application, thats probably why you saw so much 'purple'

like i said i use it few times and i like it but it happen once when got a mess.
regular silver /clear coated

C. Charles Hahn
02-18-2012, 11:03 PM
Hmmm.... never experienced/seen/heard anything like this before, and I've used a lot of IronX. Interesting.

02-18-2012, 11:10 PM
Sounds like you just didn't rinse it all out the first go around. I don't think that should be a dig on the product. just my .02

02-18-2012, 11:23 PM
I use Iron X regularly and I've never had a problem. Certainly never seen any kind of stain.

02-18-2012, 11:25 PM
I have used IronX on painted wheels, clear coated aluminum wheels, and even chrome wheels. Never had a stain or any damage to any kind of wheel paint.
I wonder if you got a large accumulation of IronX under a wheel cap and it not only dissolved the rust, but maybe some build up of grease, which eventually drained out and stained the wheel paint.
I did use it on a car from the east Coast which was incredibly rusty all over the wheel hub and center of the brake disc. I sprayed and rinsed about five times before it stopped turning purple and was 'de-ironed"

02-19-2012, 01:06 AM
but maybe some build up of grease, which eventually drained out and stained the wheel paint.

that`s possible too , i was surprise to see a stain in less than 10 min , and hard to remove.
looks like is possible and people should beware of it.

Sounds like you just didn't rinse it all out the first go around. I don't think that should be a dig on the product. just my .02

agree on that , i just share my experience with the product , i will keep using it but i will watch twice

02-19-2012, 08:25 AM
iron X seems to have a capillary effect. it really winds up far up door jams and really far into cracks that I sprayed minimally around.

So yes, you do have to be careful rinse VERY VERY well. and again and again.

I have rinsed one side of the car for about 5 minutes only to come back again and purple running from jambs and trim.

but ive never seen staining. Doesnt iron X stain non coated metals though ? as listed on the description ? because of this I have never used it on wheels that are mounted on the car. too many uncoated brake parts on an expensive car that I would rather not have all spotted out.

02-19-2012, 10:28 AM

Posted in wrong thread!!

02-19-2012, 11:47 AM
I had Meguiar's All Wheel Cleaner make a stain (not rust though...just light colored drip/run marks) on my factory wheels. I used a pressure washer to rinse as well and thought for certain I'd rinsed the wheels good enough. I infact made two trips around the car to rinse...probably well over a minute on each wheel each time around.

The only thing I can figure is that cleaner had gotten trapped behind the center cap and slowly leaked out. Not saying this happened in your instance, but after much thought it's the only thing that makes sense in my instance.

I have a few bottles of iron-x, but I've not used it yet. I'll surely be on the watch for this though.

C. Charles Hahn
02-19-2012, 04:57 PM
but ive never seen staining. Doesnt iron X stain non coated metals though ? as listed on the description ? because of this I have never used it on wheels that are mounted on the car. too many uncoated brake parts on an expensive car that I would rather not have all spotted out.

Maybe? I've never seen a problem with brake components personally.

12-04-2016, 02:35 PM
I had similar experience the first time I used it on my vehicle's paint. It got behind the emblem on the front and I had a nice, rust colored stain that ran down from the middle. Like you, I cleaned with mf towel. Did stain, used some light compound, polish, sealant, wax. Took extra time. I now avoid emblems, doorhandles, etc and rinse, rinse, and rinse more.

12-04-2016, 04:55 PM
it stains!
here is the story:
i have an wheel cleaner that i use for a while and is safe , but with all the hype i got 1liter of iron-x to use it on wheels.

i did few cars and except the strong smell it worked ok.
got this car the other day and i start to prepare the bushes so i can clean the wheels.
brake pads cool , work in a shade , around 50F outside so no worries.
i start with one side , i spray iron-x , let it sit while i spray the other wheel on same side.
after 1-3 minutes the purple was still wet i start agitated with brushes , took the pressure washer and rinse it well clean, i move to the second wheel , same.. clean ..nice.
went on the other side of the car to clean the wheels did both ,in 5 - max 10 minutes? or less , i just went to pick up some tools from the first side and saw some purple coming up from the wheel cap, was dripping all the way down on the wheel , was 50f outside and the cleaner/iron-x wasn`t dry. i power wash the wheel again at least 5-6 times till no more purple was seen , but the wheel got stained , like a rust line where the purple drip.....
no pic taken i just took a mf towel and start rubbing .. took most of it out but still i don`t wanna imagine iron-x on the wheels in 100F outside.... just beware and use it with caution...
Happened to me yesterday on a f250 with custom wheels.just have to make sure you rinse the lug nuts and caps really good.some iron X got caught up in the bed liner rail and was dripping ironx just as you described.could happen with any product if you don't rinse good enough.