View Full Version : Meguiar's quick wax & quick detailer

02-17-2012, 11:15 AM
I've read on the net that Meguiar's ultimate quick was was great for keeping the car shiny between waxes. So I tried it. I think it works great. It's a polymer wax type formula. The next day my car was a bit dirty so I cleaned it with Meguiar's ultimate quick detailer, which also claims to have polymer technology in it. Afterward my car didn't shine as well as it did after I used the ultimate quick wax. So, could the ultimate quick detailer take away some of the shine from the ultimate quick wax? In other words, do i need to go over the car with the ultimate quick wax each time I use the ultimate detailer?

Shawn T.
02-17-2012, 12:01 PM
You shouldn't have to. Are you sure its not just a difference in lighting?

02-17-2012, 01:13 PM
In the future, just apply UQW after each wash...I think you will find that these new spray waxes are just as easy to use, look better than detail sprays, and offer protection. The catch is ...you have to have a clean surface!

Detail sprays are better to use as cleaners to take off finger prints, etc. I don't even use them anymore as i have gone to waterless washes for quick cleaning on a fairly clean car.

02-17-2012, 02:27 PM
I think most folks would say that megs ult quik wax is a much better product than the ult quik detailer. I have both. I've never felt the uqd was a bad product and since you still have some left just do this: Use the uqd to remove the light dust or however you were using it (just be safe so you don't mar the paint!) and follow that up with ultimate quik wax. Anything that the uqd takes away from appearance, you'll put back with the uqw followup. When the UQD runs out, buy some Ultima UWW+ concentrate and use the 22oz UQD bottle for that (half oz in the 22 oz bottle, filled with distilled H2O gives you 1:44 ready to use UWW+) Then, use the UWW+ like you would use the UQD and more. It won't leave as much slickness as the UQD, but it will be a much safer cleaner. It's just about the best waterless wash and if any are better, they certainly are not as economical. Followup waterless washing with a pass of UQW, and you'll have a great combination. If you find you go through the UQW faster than you like, buy a gallon of D-156 Synthetic Xpress Spray Wax (http://www.autogeek.net/meguiars-xpress-spray-wax.html) It's the same thing as UQW, with an orange scent. But it comes out to the equivalent of $4 a bottle, so a bit better than half the price for essentially the same great product. :xyxthumbs:

02-18-2012, 12:20 PM
Hey thanks for the info.

One other question .. I read on the bottle of the UQWax and UQDetailer that it takes 12 hours to fully cure. I washed and UQwax'd the car on Sunday. On Tuesday I got up early for work. The car was in the garage and I cleaned it with the UQdetailer and then buffed it with a premium microfiber. It was raining that day so about an hour later I left for work and the car was in the rain all day. Is the 'curing' process important to the overall finished gloss look? Do you think UQdetailing it the night before (i.e. when I got home from work) to let it cure all night would have kept the gloss?