View Full Version : pinnacle bug and tar pad disintegrating

02-16-2012, 10:57 PM
I wasn't sure where to put this. But I wanted to let you guys know.

I have the pinnacle bug and tar pad and I love it and it works well. But my seems to be falling apart. Ive been tossing mine is the clothes washer with my towels because I figure it would flush it out so I could avoid squeezing it a million times in the sink.

Anyways, I pulled my towels out of the washer and I did my usual inspection to pick out any contaniments that may still be stuck and I found a ton of little nibs from the sponge stuck to my towels. This is a first as Ive washed that thing close to 20-30 times now and its never happened. It seems to be holding up fine, but I have noticed the edges seems more raged now.

I thoughts I would let you guys know not to wash the thing unless you enjoy picking out teeny tiny pieces of the sponge from your towels.