View Full Version : My part-time side job

02-12-2012, 09:28 AM
Hello eveyone, thought about sharing with you guys my little set-up. Not 100% complete yet, but doing it part-time is hard for the business to afford new tools and products. Still debating regarding an extractor, not sure if is worth it? Anyways, i love to read from you guys on a daily basis, this forum is the best,thanks

Setec Astronomy
02-12-2012, 09:36 AM
Hey that looks like a nice setup...but yow, $75 full details?? If you've been reading this forum every day, you need to start looking at doing some higher-end work and getting more money for your time.

BTW, I see you are from the space coast, what's your full-time job?

02-12-2012, 10:31 AM
Generator & Pressure washer make & model. are you using a pump or gravity feed between tank and pressure washer?

02-12-2012, 10:39 AM
Hey that looks like a nice setup...but yow, $75 full details?? If you've been reading this forum every day, you need to start looking at doing some higher-end work and getting more money for your time.

BTW, I see you are from the space coast, what's your full-time job?


Very nice trailer!!! My jaw dropped at the $75 for full details. You're really doing all that for $75?! Whew!!!

Jacob Perry
02-12-2012, 10:43 AM
Id like to know what the 75.00 dollar detail includes.

02-12-2012, 11:24 AM
As would I. Is that a come on?

02-12-2012, 11:26 AM
I know,i know, i have never done a $75.00 job so far. It was supposed to say starting at 75.00 like for a small two door cars (smart cars) or hondas. I know it seems like a lowballer sing but so far the lowest detail job i have charged is $155.00 for a white mustang with ragtop. Thanks for your comments and help

02-12-2012, 11:30 AM
IMO (take this a constructive citicism), I would definitely add "starting at" above the $75.00. If I was an ordinary person, I would read that sign as any car, truck, suv as $75.00 to include all of what you mentioned.

The graphics are slick!

02-12-2012, 11:49 AM
Im going to either remove it or fix it sooner than later. My wife was the first person to notice this confusing type of sign and she's been driving nuts with that. Thanks again

02-12-2012, 11:50 AM
Other than that man...congrats on the side gig man. Looks more like a full time gig to me now. You're official!

02-12-2012, 11:53 AM
Nice set up.

Southern Stang
02-12-2012, 12:11 PM
Nice set up man! My rents live in cocoa, and step dad left working on the crawler a while back.
Just a thought like said above- If I were a potential customer that saw full detail for 75$ on the side of your trailer, called and was told it was more I might be a little confused/upset about that. Maybe get another graphic saying starting at or something of that nature?

02-12-2012, 04:54 PM
Nice, i just did a detail job in cocoa yesterday. I understand your and everybody's point, i agree that might bring me confused customers. Im going to contact the people who wrapped my trailer to see what can they do to it,thanks for your comments

02-12-2012, 05:07 PM
Nice, i just did a detail job in cocoa yesterday. I understand your and everybody's point, i agree that might bring me confused customers. Im going to contact the people who wrapped my trailer to see what can they do to it,thanks for your comments

Have them wrap over it and get rid of the price all together. As the economy changes and your price fluctuates you're going to be kicking yourself for any fixed price on the trailer. Have something printed on a magnet to place on the trailer if you wanna show a price, but including it in the wrap is just begging for you to open your wallet (re-wrap trailer) anytime that price changes.