View Full Version : Megs Hyper dressing compared to 303

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02-09-2012, 11:09 AM
So i just ordered a gallon of the megs hyper dressing after reading all the reviews on here. I am going to use it for tires and for engine and wheel wells. I have been using 303 for engine and wheel wells and really like the finish cause its not shinny but shinny enough if I explain myself.

My question is people who have used both... what would be the ration on the hyper dressing to get the same finish as the 303? 4:1?.... 3:1?

some peopel say one is shinner than the other ration...but everyone's shiny is different.... so comparing the two which ratio would be the same.


02-09-2012, 05:05 PM
Have you used 303 yourself? If not, why don't you mix a little up of each and see what you prefer. I use hyper dressing at 2:1 and 4:1. At 4:1 I like the shine on tires.

02-09-2012, 05:53 PM
OP, I use Megs Hyper Dressing at 4:1, but 3:1 is probably as close as you can get to the way 303 looks. Maybe a little more shine, but close nevertheless, hope that helps

02-09-2012, 06:06 PM
Why would anyone use HD on tires and wheel wells during the winter? It will wash off with the first rain.

02-09-2012, 06:33 PM
3:1 will give you the look you like. I agree though with the post above. ASD is probably better

02-10-2012, 01:58 AM
Why would anyone use HD on tires and wheel wells during the winter? It will wash off with the first rain.

Washing off with water can be considered an advantage as well. Probably not so much during winter. Some places don't have distinct seasons. I don't always get rain between winter washes. I like the fact it easily washes off and cheap enough to apply fresh coat of dressing.

Having said that during winter I have other products like tire waxes, gels and pastes I turn to which provide better durability. I bought a gallon of it. It's so verisable, quick to apply, cheap and will last me a long time.

02-10-2012, 02:06 AM
...during winter I have other products like tire waxes, gels and pastes I turn to which provide better durability.

Would you please provide the brand names of the tire waxes and tire pastes you use during winter months. If you don't mind, that is. Thanks.



02-10-2012, 02:31 AM
I've used Dodo Juice Tyromania with some good results. Some people get inferior results as don't follow the directions to buff with water after applying.

I have used even cheap tire gel like Armor and received good results from it. Recently bought some Chemical Guys Clear Gel and too early to give my thoughts on it. I found it a little difficult to apply but put that down to the applicator I chose. Will be applying some more on the weekend and have a better idea of yah or nah.

Opti-Bond is a name that's always popping up when searching tire gels. Like to either try that or Optimums tire shine. That might be water based like HD. I'm no sure on that

HD is great but as mentioned will not last in the rain. It will still remain as one of my go to products.

Would l love to try some ASD but we don't and can't get this in Australia

02-10-2012, 07:23 AM
is that 3-4 parts HD to water? can the HD be sprayed on with a spray bottle, and provide a SOWA finish?

Mike Phillips
02-10-2012, 08:04 AM
One benefit to a water based tire dressing that will wash off is that it will wash off...

Then you can get it off and all the grime that accumulates on it plus the blooming that shows up as a brown residue and the re-dress the tires to give them that fresh, deep dark black sheen we all love. Non-water-soluble dressings that hold up to inclement weather and repeated washings have their purpose too and just like some people like Coke and some people like 7-Up, there's a tire dressing for everyone's taste.

I'm actually a fan of water-based dressings that will wash off easily most of the time but I've been testing a coating on one of the tires on my truck and after about 4, maybe 5 months now it's very impressive.


02-10-2012, 08:50 AM
is that 3-4 parts HD to water? can the HD be sprayed on with a spray bottle, and provide a SOWA finish?

SOWA = spray on wipe away? Sorry too many detailing acronyms.

I usually spray the HD directly onto the applicator then spread on the wheel. I have also sprayed it directly on to the wheel, let it dwell before wiping it off. If spraying it on it will definitely need wiped. HD has no levelling properties that I know of but never had any streaking. I prefer spraying directly on to the applicator as reduces waste (which is honestly minimal)but also stops overspray going on to my wheels

I use 4:1 as thats my preference but at times used 2:1 if in the mood for more of a shiny look

02-10-2012, 11:25 AM
thanks everyone for the info, i appreciate it

02-10-2012, 11:27 AM
Why would anyone use HD on tires and wheel wells during the winter? It will wash off with the first rain.

I read a lot of people saying the same thing.... but to me if it rains that means my car is dirty so I just rewash it and reapply tire dressing. I mean if it rains i have more to worry about, dirty car, than tires not dressed..

Im I missing something?

02-10-2012, 11:30 AM
is that 3-4 parts HD to water? can the HD be sprayed on with a spray bottle, and provide a SOWA finish?

that would be 3 parts water to 1 part HD..... therefore making it less shiny as one with 1 part to 1 part (Shiny)

02-10-2012, 11:39 AM
I have been debating on getting this HD, seems that the 2:1 or 3:1 ratio is pretty popular, after reading the reviews and this thread it was added to my shopping cart..lets just say my wife is going to kill me when she sees this bill...