View Full Version : Holograms from drying with a microfiber?

02-07-2012, 11:18 AM
I washed my car yesterday and today I noticed some holograms I hadn't seen before. I just had the rear of the car reprinted from an accident but this was on the side of the car so unless they buffed the whole car it wouldn't be from that. My question is can a dry microfiber cause holograms? I dried the car with a waffle weave first until it was soaked. And there car was mostly dry by then but there were still a few wet spots so I went over them with a clean dry microfiber. Is there anyway that microfiber caused holograms. Also I did use the two bucket method.

Mike Phillips
02-07-2012, 11:24 AM
It's possible to inflict swirls and scratches with "anything" that touches the paint if the thing touching the paint isn't clean, soft and gentle.

Using good technique is important too...

Modern clear coat paints are scratch-sensitive, that is they will scratch easily but because they are harder than traditional single stage paints removing the swirls and scratches will be more difficult.

Holograms by the way are a term for swirls inflicted by the mis-use of a rotary buffer.

If the scratches you're seeing are from wiping and your wiping cloth, then these are simply swirls and scratches, not technically holograms in the historic use of the word.

Here's a few articles from my article list...

The difference between Rotary Buffer Swirls, Cobweb Swirls and Micro-Marring (http://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/hot-topics-frequently-asked-questions/28443-difference-between-rotary-buffer-swirls-cobweb-swirls-micro-marring.html)

Tracers Tracers - RIDS - Pigtails - Cobweb Swirls - Rotary Buffer Swirls - Holograms - Water Spots - Bird Drooping Etchings - Micro-Marring (http://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/hot-topics-frequently-asked-questions/22234-tracers-rids-pigtails-cobweb-swirls-rotary-buffer-swirls-holograms-water-spots-bird-droping-etchings-micro-marring.html)

Fingermarks (http://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/hot-topics-frequently-asked-questions/20496-finger-marks.html)


02-07-2012, 11:26 AM
Well see its not just swirls these move with the paint. They look exactly like the holograms ive seen from buffers I have very few swirls on my car at all.

02-07-2012, 11:47 AM
Yea, thats the bodyshop's 'hack' detailer!!

They do that a lot, buff the whole car even when only two panels are repainted!!!

Exact same thing happened to me too!
Had gotten my right side front and rear door repainted and when I got her back, it was full of rotary holograms each and everywhere!!

I had the paint in perfect condition and they ruined all of it!(Maybe they were like, "Crap, the repainted area isn't as glossy as the rest of the car, so we swirl the rest of the car so that it matches the repainted panel"):bat:

Here's the video I took last year when I had just gotten my baby back from the bodyshop and was bathing her in the evening
(even though paint quality was good, their in house 'detailer' messed things up!)

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y8J2YpjzYYk]Body shop induced buffer holograms!!! - YouTube[/video]

You'll have to correct the paint again! Fortunately, rotary holograms aren't as deep as swirls, so they should correct easily!

02-07-2012, 11:47 AM
Move on the paint when I walk around the car not move with the paint. I just noticed that

02-07-2012, 11:50 AM
Yea, thats the bodyshop's 'hack' detailer!!

They do that a lot, buff the whole car even when only two panels are repainted!!!

Exact same thing happened to me too!
Had gotten my right side front and rear door repainted and when I got her back, it was full of rotary holograms each and everywhere!!

I had the paint in perfect condition and they ruined all of it!(Maybe they were like, "Crap, the repainted area isn't as glossy as the rest of the car, so we swirl the rest of the car so that it matches the repainted panel" ):bat:

Here's the video I took last year when I had just gotten my baby back from the bodyshop and was bathing her in the evening

Body shop induced buffer holograms!!! - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y8J2YpjzYYk)

You'll have to correct the paint again! Fortunately, rotary holograms aren't as deep as swirls, so they should correct easily!

Since they're not as deep as swirls something like swirlX or ultimate polish should remove them then right?

02-07-2012, 11:55 AM
Yea, in my case I used M205 + white polishing pad to get rid of them all!

SwirlX should work too, but its a good idea to do a test spot first to check whether its correcting or not!

02-07-2012, 12:24 PM
I had a ding removed from my car. After he was done he took a small rotary and some generic compound and buffed around the ding removal spot. I gasped. He indeed had left me some new swirls. It didnt matter though as I am going over the entire car one more time to get it ready for detail fest. Those swirls came right out.

02-07-2012, 06:04 PM
I hand buffed that spot with some Meguiar's Ulitmate Polish and it looks like they came right out for now. I know Ultimate Polish has some fillers in it so we shall see.

02-07-2012, 08:45 PM
Why not use IPA or Eraser and see now rather than later?
I hand buffed that spot with some Meguiar's Ulitmate Polish and it looks like they came right out for now. I know Ultimate Polish has some fillers in it so we shall see.