View Full Version : Oils from LSP

andrew b
02-04-2012, 06:25 PM
Does anyone else have problems with (what I assume are) the oils in most LSPs, especially waxes, causing holograms on really well-prepped and already-sealed paint?

Might be more likely to happen on darker colors.

I have WDGPS on one dark blue car, and BFWD on another black one. They look great, but if I try and top with a wax (and often with certain QDs), I get what look like holograms. Turns out that it's not in the paint, it's actually a very fine layer of oil-like something on the paint that gets arranged into fine, parallel lines by the MF towel. You can move them around, but nothing short of a good wash removes them.

I'm almost afraid to top those finishes now.....

Anyone else have this problem?

02-04-2012, 07:47 PM
It sounds like you are over applying the wax. When I first used a carnauba paste wax, I got a little of what you are talking about. I used a QD to help in removal. Now when a QD looks like it is producing holograms, it is just streaking. Remember, thin is in.

02-04-2012, 07:56 PM
I make sure that I apply thin, and let is dry first before removing it (unless WOWA).

02-04-2012, 08:29 PM
i have this on a car on working on now. not only do they look like holograms but they are so hard to just wipe off with a clean rag. i was freakin out at first thinkin i left holograms on a 125K 1962 triple black impala

02-04-2012, 08:34 PM
Sometimes certain products just dont mix well but if you are having smearing problems you should allow the wax to dry longer. Quite a few wowo lsp have a streaky oily problem and then there are waxes like AG HD that require much longer drying times then other waxes. To remove the streaking/smearing wipe the paint down with ice cold water and that should remove any residue on the paint.

02-04-2012, 08:49 PM
i have been using wolfgang fusion which requires no drying time

andrew b
02-04-2012, 08:52 PM
It sounds like you are over applying the wax. When I first used a carnauba paste wax, I got a little of what you are talking about. I used a QD to help in removal. Now when a QD looks like it is producing holograms, it is just streaking. Remember, thin is in.

I make sure that I apply thin, and let is dry first before removing it (unless WOWA).

yeah, pretty sure this isn't the problem. I learned the "very thin" lesson pretty well when I was using Klasse SG regularly.

i have this on a car on working on now. not only do they look like holograms but they are so hard to just wipe off with a clean rag. i was freakin out at first thinkin i left holograms on a 125K 1962 triple black impala

Exactly. It's like you can push/move them around, but they're almost impossible to remove. So far, I've found that UWW+ at QD strength will do it. First I thought it was a contaminated MF towel, but was able to rule that out.

Sometimes certain products just dont mix well but if you are having smearing problems you should allow the wax to dry longer. Quite a few wowo lsp have a streaky oily problem and then there are waxes like AG HD that require much longer drying times then other waxes. To remove the streaking/smearing wipe the paint down with ice cold water and that should remove any residue on the paint.

Have thought about the letting the WOWO dry a bit, am going to try that next. Interesting tip on the ice cold water, will give that a shot.

02-04-2012, 09:42 PM
Make sure that the wax is fully dried. Sometimes, even though it may pass the swipe test, you need to let it dry for more time, as it is possible that only the topmost layer of wax has dried. For example, Dodo Juice recommends letting Supernatural dry for 45 minutes.

Also, after you do your initial buff off, even if it look ok, it helps if you do a second buff off, with a short nap towel and ice-cold water or chilled QD, an hour later.

02-04-2012, 09:52 PM
My guess is the wax is not bonding well to the sealant.

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02-05-2012, 09:09 AM
FWIW, a wipe with a damp MF will usually level off any remaining oils and make them disappear.

andrew b
02-05-2012, 11:04 AM
FWIW, a wipe with a damp MF will usually level off any remaining oils and make them disappear.

Not whatever it is that's remaining for me. It's obviously oil-based and doesn't get caught up with a MF, even damp. I'm lucky if QD-strength ONR or UWW+ gets it off.

I think Kneedragr has it, the wax just isn't bonding well to the sealant. Might be that I'm very consistent with the sealant application, and typically will do another coat after the first has cured for a couple days. And the surface prep is pretty good, so it's nice and smooth.

The dark paint also really makes it show. I doubt you'd be able to see it on a lighter color.

04-22-2012, 07:45 AM
Does anyone else have problems with (what I assume are) the oils in most LSPs, especially waxes, causing holograms on really well-prepped and already-sealed paint?

Might be more likely to happen on darker colors.

I have WDGPS on one dark blue car, and BFWD on another black one. They look great, but if I try and top with a wax (and often with certain QDs), I get what look like holograms. Turns out that it's not in the paint, it's actually a very fine layer of oil-like something on the paint that gets arranged into fine, parallel lines by the MF towel. You can move them around, but nothing short of a good wash removes them.

I'm almost afraid to top those finishes now.....

Anyone else have this problem?
I get the same thing especially with WDGPS its too oily or something. Blackfire is much better in that regards.

04-22-2012, 09:59 PM
I get this with Collinite 915 but it only shows up in certain vertical panels of my car, usually the rear fenders.

04-23-2012, 09:16 AM
By contaminated microfiber, did you mean cross-contaminated with other product? I have had this issue in the past where I had a stray dryer sheet stay in the dryer from the previous load and find its way into my microfiber batch caused crazy streaking with megs NXT. Rewashed and tried the towels and hit the paint with some QD and the problem went away.