View Full Version : Cquartz or Opti-Coat?

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02-04-2012, 09:29 AM
I have been debating this. The product will be going on my 2011 Black Honda Pilot, since it's a PITA to clean. However, I did have a lot of questions that I thought you guys would know:
Which product is easier to apply?
What surfaces can you apply these products to?
Does Opti-Coat offer scratch resistance like Cquartz?
Which is easier to clean in a wash? Rinse down?
Which has a better shine?
Can either of these coatings be layered?
Can wax/sealant be layered on either?
If I had to do a correction, which is easier to remove?

So it all boils down to this question: Opti-Coat or Cquartz?

:) Thanks in advance!

02-04-2012, 09:47 AM
Also, what type of wax/wash would go with each product?

02-04-2012, 10:07 AM
Easier to apply: Opti-Coat is a WOWA so I guess. However, neither is particularly hard to apply. Cquartz application is a little more like a sealant. Use a lot of light when applying either.
What apply on: pretty much any hard surface but I just apply to paint.
Scratch resistance: Yes. Note - neither is scratch-proof.
Better shine: Cquartz by a close margin
Layered: Cquartz yes, Opti-Coat not really
Topped: yes. Cquartz with Reload, Opti-Coat with OCW.
Remove: remove both with polishing.

Both are great products. I'm quite happy with both. Sorry.

02-04-2012, 10:10 AM
I have been debating this. The product will be going on my 2011 Black Honda Pilot, since it's a PITA to clean. However, I did have a lot of questions that I thought you guys would know:
Which product is easier to apply? I have no experience with either product, but I don't think you would have trouble applying either product. Opti-Coat might be quicker being it is a WOWA product compared to Cquartz being a product you must wipe off.
What surfaces can you apply these products to?I think you can apply both products to paint, glass, trim, chrome and metal surfaces, and wheels.
Does Opti-Coat offer scratch resistance like Cquartz?I am not sure. Maybe someone else can chime in.
Which is easier to clean in a wash? Rinse down?I think you will be pleased with either one. I have seen comments about how great Cquartz releases dirt.
Which has a better shine?I remember hearing that Opti-Coat has more of a sealant look to it, and Cquartz has a carnauba look to it.
Can either of these coatings be layered?Opti-Coat can not be layered. But Cquartz can.
Can wax/sealant be layered on either?I know you can wax or sealant over either, but it ruins the point of a paint coating. That is unless you are using Reload over Cquartz, which it was meant to be.
If I had to do a correction, which is easier to remove?Can't comment on that.

So it all boils down to this question: Opti-Coat or Cquartz?Personally, if I was in the market for a paint coating, I would pick up Cquartz. You can layer it, top it with reload, and I like the look of a carnauba glow.

:) Thanks in advance!

Hope this helped!

Black Car
02-04-2012, 11:20 AM
"I have no experience with either product" ...lol.

I'm also interested in this and looking forward to those responses from people who have experience with these 2 products.

tuscarora dave
02-04-2012, 11:46 AM
Some interaction and thoughts of mine on the use of Opti-Coat 2.0 through the PM system. no names mentioned.


Dave -

have you used it?


if it seals so well , why do not more people use it?

do we like to detail our cars?

do detailers shy away as it would reduce the amt of work they would have? (I don't believe this but thought I would ask)


My reply:

I've applied it several times now and the only down side I see is that the average Joe is going to muck up anything that you apply to their car so it's hard to justify the sale/application of it to that type of person. However, regardless of the swirls that the average Joe will instill in his/her car as a result of poor washing technique, a great deal of gloss will still remain long after a wax or normal polymer sealant has been scrubbed off.

The above statement is exactly how I pitch it to my customers and a lot of them will spend the extra $100 to have it applied. I can apply it to three cars per syringe turning $60 + shipping into $300.

I think the reason you don't see more folks here at AG using it is because AG is primarily an enthusiast forum and they get a certain satisfaction from constantly pampering their car with the flavor of the month sealant/wax. Not me, I don't want caring for my car to take away from the money I can make or the time I can be on the recliner.

I would imagine that some detailers do shy away from it for the reason that you state in your last question...But...I like the idea of using it to propel my word of mouth advertising. If it lasts so long that customers aren't returning for repeat service it definitely sets me apart from the other local detailers who aren't using a similar product.

I intentionally inflate my prices in relation to what the other guys in my area are charging because it attracts a certain type of client who either likes to spend the big bucks to feed their ego or the type of client who truly wants the best service that money can buy. The average detailer can keep on serving the average car owner, I simply don't want to be that busy nor do I want to be lumped in with the average detailer crowd.

Just thought I'd share some of my thoughts with the community.

Black Car
02-04-2012, 12:41 PM
well put sir

02-04-2012, 12:47 PM
"I have no experience with either product" ...lol.

I'm also interested in this and looking forward to those responses from people who have experience with these 2 products.

I was answering the questions by what each company has stated about their products. So I had to mention I had no experience with either product. :)

02-04-2012, 12:47 PM

Black Car
02-04-2012, 12:53 PM
I was answering the questions by what each company has stated about their products. So I had to mention I had no experience with either product. :)

Sorry man, didn't mean any disrespect. I just think it's funny that so many people give their 2 cents even when they haven't used the product.

I have c-quartz sitting in my closet untouched. I plan to put it on my car this summer. My biggest dilemma is that I'm not supposed to wax my car afterwards if I want the best effect. That's going to be tough for a geek!

02-04-2012, 01:20 PM
I'm glad this thread popped up. Once I get a paycheck, I am really considering doing my car with cquarts or opti-coat.

To be honest, I hate waxing my car. I love the look after the final wipe. But I think I get more satisfaction from washing my already waxed car and having that shine pop back out again.

I recently bought some blue and black pads to speed up the process of applying and maybe that will change my mind.

But as it is, if I could have the shine last for a few years and only need to top it with a spray wax, I'd rather go that route.

The only thing stopping me though is that I want to get my front and rear bumper repainted and I did a diy clear coat repair on one of my fenders. So I wouldn't want to do the fender because Im not totally satisifed with the results.


Black Car
02-04-2012, 01:24 PM
There are a lot of other threads similar to this. I know I've started a few. Try a search.

02-04-2012, 01:32 PM
Sorry man, didn't mean any disrespect. I just think it's funny that so many people give their 2 cents even when they haven't used the product.

I have c-quartz sitting in my closet untouched. I plan to put it on my car this summer. My biggest dilemma is that I'm not supposed to wax my car afterwards if I want the best effect. That's going to be tough for a geek!

It wasn't disrespectful at all, and I didn't take it like that so no worries my friend.:xyxthumbs: I understand what you mean by members giving their advice even though they have not used the product. When I have not used a product I will just write what I have heard from the manufacturer.

I have been looking at paint coatings for a while, but haven't been in the market for them just yet. I know Reload on top of Cquartz makes a like finish and as another member mentioned Opt. Car Wax can be topped over Opti-Coat for a slick finish.

glen e
02-04-2012, 02:11 PM
I wrote that PM to Dave and appreciated his answer. I am going to get some but do something a bit diff.

I like screwing with my finish on both cars and trying new things. Keeps me out of the bars...

but I'm going to use it on a few things that I want to protect - like the wing on my boy racer spoiler that came on the car. Also on the radome and roof antennas on my boat. It is thermoplastic covering that is hard to get to and I need annual coverage. Also maybe "high traffic" areas on the car like door rocker sills.

Will post pics of the spoiler before and after...

02-04-2012, 03:30 PM
Thanks guys for the feedback! I hope a lot of people see this thread (as it's probably at the bottom of the page and no one will look at it) so I can see what everyone else thinks! :)