View Full Version : Clay Bar

02-03-2012, 11:47 AM
Will clay barring remove wax or sealants? Should wax or sealants be re-applied after clay barring?

Setec Astronomy
02-03-2012, 11:49 AM
Yes, claying can remove LSP's, (Last Step Products, i.e., wax or sealant) with some degree of difference depending on the clay, the LSP, the lube, the technique, etc. A conservative approach (i.e., one used by Newt Gingrich) would be to reapply your LSP after claying.

02-03-2012, 11:54 AM

Yes, claying can remove LSP's, (Last Step Products, i.e., wax or sealant) with some degree of difference depending on the clay, the LSP, the lube, the technique, etc. A conservative approach (i.e., one used by Newt Gingrich) would be to reapply your LSP after claying.

Setec Astronomy
02-03-2012, 11:57 AM
If you use a gentle clay and a gentle technique on a durable LSP, you should leave most of it there.

02-03-2012, 12:22 PM
Will clay barring remove wax or sealants? Should wax or sealants be re-applied after clay barring?

I took a moment to revisit a few of Mike Phillips' articles on the reasons/purposes of clay barring.
Pretty good reading, IMO.

Here's one:


In here are others for this subject matter, also:




02-03-2012, 01:11 PM
My car just came out of the body shop and I felt some overspray. Before I dropped off the car, I clayed & use Wolfgang's Paint Sealant with hopes that if any overspray did land on the paint, it would be easier to clay off.

Well, I got my car back with a few "gifts". No matter how much you vet these guys, they still manage to miss the mark! Though I think he did a great job matching color, he failed misserably in others.... I had a nice scuff mark on the roof. I clayed the entire roof while I was at it since I felt a light dusting of overspray. The claying didn't remove scuff mark so I broke out a swirl remover on a white pad and that did the trick (followed up with polishing that same area). Scuff mark is gone...

What I noticed was the area that I buffed was very grippy (as expected), the rest of the roof where I didn't buff was silky smooth and my micro fiber cloths slid easily across paint, almost as if it were just waxed. Keep in mind, I just clayed the whole roof as mentioned earlier. It appeared the claying didn't remove the sealant I layed down before I put the car in the shop.

This was the reason me asking if claying would remove that LSP. In any event, I did take the conservative approach and applied WG sealant again.

Clay lubricant & clay used was Pinnacles grey clay bar/lube.

I am still new at this. Even though I attend almost every Thurs night's open garage (I live close by to AG - Lucky Me!), I still have a lot to learn. It is a priviledge to work with Mike on these projects.

Below is the link to my car in AG.

Thanks for your help guys!
