View Full Version : Pls help newbie with product use

02-03-2012, 11:35 AM
Hi everyone, so I'm new to doing anything other than your basic wash/dry, but got a new truck and want to take good care of the finish. These are the products I have ordered from AG based on reviews, descriptions, etc and am wondering if I need to use all of them and if so in what order. I also got an older PC DA polisher that a buddy sent me since he doesn't use it anymore that I will use, I plan to practice on the wife's minivan first before using the polisher on my truck. My truck is a 2012 Silverado in Graytstone Metallic, I have inspected it in the sun and cannot see any real swirls or imperfections, may be some that more experienced eyes would see but I guess if they are there they must be pretty minor. Here is the products I have, any opinions/advise would be appreciated -thanks

Meguirs Gold car wash
Pinnacle clay and lube
Pinnacle Paintwork Cleansing Lotion
Pinnavle Twins
SSII wax

02-03-2012, 11:41 AM
Hi everyone, so I'm new to doing anything other than your basic wash/dry, but got a new truck and want to take good care of the finish. These are the products I have ordered from AG based on reviews, descriptions, etc and am wondering if I need to use all of them and if so in what order. I also got an older PC DA polisher that a buddy sent me since he doesn't use it anymore that I will use, I plan to practice on the wife's minivan first before using the polisher on my truck. My truck is a 2012 Silverado in Graytstone Metallic, I have inspected it in the sun and cannot see any real swirls or imperfections, may be some that more experienced eyes would see but I guess if they are there they must be pretty minor. Here is the products I have, any opinions/advise would be appreciated -thanks

Meguirs Gold car wash
Pinnacle clay and lube
Pinnacle Paintwork Cleansing Lotion
Pinnavle Twins
SSII wax

First welcome to AGO!! :welcome:
That order sounds good!
Just a side note I would rec using the two bucket method to wash, and add maybe Collinite 845 to your arsenal.

Have fun!

Setec Astronomy
02-03-2012, 11:44 AM
Do you have any pads? You'll want to use the wash, then clay with the lube, wash again if you have left any clay residue on the car, then if as you say, you don't really have any swirls, hand or machine apply the Paintwork Cleansing Lotion, then on to the SSII wax, by hand or machine.

02-03-2012, 02:27 PM
Do you have any pads? You'll want to use the wash, then clay with the lube, wash again if you have left any clay residue on the car, then if as you say, you don't really have any swirls, hand or machine apply the Paintwork Cleansing Lotion, then on to the SSII wax, by hand or machine.

I have LC CCS pads coming - orange, white, gray, and red. I'm a little apprehensive using a polisher for the first time even though everything I've read says the PC is pretty safe to use - is it worth it to use a machine for something like paint cleanser?

02-03-2012, 02:57 PM
When I went to use it for the first time I used it on my own car. Their are videos of Mike Phillips showing how to use it on the forum somewhere.

You want to make sure your pressure is about medium. You want to make sure your pressure is still light enough that the pads is moving in a circular motion. You can take a marker and draw a black line on the backing plate and that can help you for sure.

You also want to make sure your sections are like 2 x 2 feet and not to use to much product. Mike Phillips also explains how much you wanna use in the video. Link below has videos and how-to's.


02-03-2012, 04:14 PM
When I went to use it for the first time I used it on my own car. Their are videos of Mike Phillips showing how to use it on the forum somewhere.

You want to make sure your pressure is about medium. You want to make sure your pressure is still light enough that the pads is moving in a circular motion. You can take a marker and draw a black line on the backing plate and that can help you for sure.

You also want to make sure your sections are like 2 x 2 feet and not to use to much product. Mike Phillips also explains how much you wanna use in the video. Link below has videos and how-to's.


Nice link - thanks! One thing I have seen mentioned several times and forgot about is soft vs. hard paint - how can I tell if I have hard or soft paint? do newer cars have hard paint or does it just depend? I have a 2012 Silverado and a 2005 Sienna, if anyone happens to know about those specifically. I assume soft paint mean it is easier to damage?