View Full Version : After souveran???

05-09-2006, 10:50 AM
A Friend called me a few weeks ago and said he bought a used rental car and that the finish was very nice, [silver met] except it looked like it was always in car wash city, many swirls and under the lites it looked scratchy, but not scratched, and it needed a touch of love, i suggested that he'd check first to see if it had to be clayed,and it had to be, so i suggested the same products i used on my ride

pinnacle clay and lube

klass AIO


And souveran wax...........

after using the above by hand, he said it looked great, but the swirls and scratchy look was still apparent,

my question is : is there anything that can be put on top of the soveruan to remove the swirls and scratchy look under the lights, or would he have to start all over if thats an option with different products?

if nothing can be put on top of the souveran?? i think he'll let it be as is..... A great improvement.....:applause:

05-09-2006, 12:57 PM
Well you've really got two choices here. You can either advise your friend to remove the swirls or you can advise him to fill them. Let's discuss the two choices . . .

Removing the swirls (a/k/a cob webbing) is what I usually recommend to people as long as the paint on the car is thick enough to handle it. Given the condition of the car chances are it's never been polished or wet sanded. So, it likely has plenty of paint on it. The upside is that the swirls are gone permanently . . . at least until someone creates new ones. The downside is that you really, really need a machine to remove swirls efficiently.

Filling the swirls can be done using a polish which contains fillers. I think Meguiar's #9 Swirl Remover has some filler, but I'm not sure. Likely someone at Autogeek could direct you to a polish with a high filler content. The upside to filling scratches is that it's easy to do and can be done by hand. The downside is you have to fill the scratches every time you wash or after every rain storm because the fillers will wash away.

05-09-2006, 01:23 PM
so, filling the swirls would only last till it rained or had the car washed, so after each rain, or wash, he'd have to do that 3 step scenario of swirl removing , sealing, and waxing, each time to keep the finish protected OUCH!! or he'll wait to find a reputable detailer to remove them permanently.
i'll think he'll probably opt to live with the swirls for now.....

Good info........thanks very much........

P.S. just ordered from pinnacle
Pinnacle Advanced Swirl Remover and he will do the swirl removing by hand with a microfiber pad as an option as suggested from pinnacle,
then follow with U.P P sealer and souveran.

could the KLASS AIO be eliminated???

05-09-2006, 03:00 PM
If he put the filler polish on top of the Soveran then he would only have to re-apply the polish.

BTW, swirl removal is a MAJOR, MAJOR PITA to do by hand. While you can reduce swirls by hand, the machine does a better job and faster. Also, your arm won't fall off afterward.

Maybe there is someone who lives near you who can lend you and your friend their PC or Cyclo.

05-09-2006, 04:12 PM
YEAH, I know its gonna be a PITA, I'm going to help him, we may just do the hood, roof, trunk, The sides don't seem to show as much swirl he says ......no one we know has a machine that i know of.....:-(

putting the swirl filler polish on top of the souveran i think would greatly diminish that butter look that souverin delivers..... but we'll see.....

thanks again.........bill

05-09-2006, 06:01 PM
come on Bill .... help your buddy out. It will come back to you in spades , and right now he might actually think like (oh my lord) Souveran is to blame. Show him the way !

05-09-2006, 06:12 PM
come on Bill .... help your buddy out. It will come back to you in spades , and right now he might actually think like (oh my lord) Souveran is to blame. Show him the way !

Absolutely going to help him out as i stated i would from A-Z

one thing for sure.....souveran will be the top banana:righton:

05-09-2006, 06:14 PM
..souveran will be the top banana:righton:

Im getting excited but not sure that the smiley with a woodie would go over well ??? !!! :eek:

05-09-2006, 06:17 PM
Your right.........no woodies :cheers:

05-09-2006, 06:59 PM
No woodies? Why not? Here's one . . .

05-09-2006, 08:10 PM
That woodie is nice:-).........turning my Friends car into a woodie?
