View Full Version : Scratches: Lots of cut, or just enough.

01-31-2012, 06:05 PM
From what I've read and studied it seems the idea in proper detailing is to leave as much clear as possible. I really don't think anyone would argue that point. The real question is, how do we go about doing this?

Over the last couple of weeks, perhaps months, I've noticed more and more posts where people are wanting, or (think they) need more cut via certain pads. (Don't take this post wrong. I'm not a guru, rather, thinking outloud a bit.)

What is best practice? (Example)

1. Using a stong cutting pad (say LC Yellow) and M105 and cutting till we reach the exact bottom of the scratches, then polish (perhaps 2...something like M205 and then a micro polish like Menzerna) out the marring and therefore taking even more clear? In other words the polishing stages only remove mirco-marring from the pad and compound.

2. Use the same combo until the compounding stage almost reaches the bottom of the scratches. Then letting successive polishing remove mirco-marring and finish taking the deeper scratches out as well, all the while allowing for more clear to be left.

It would seem easier to simply use the pad combo above to completely remove the swirls (going to the bottom of the swirls), and then use the polish to remove micro-marring left from pad/compounding. It would also seem that this method would remove more of the clear.

I guess what brought this on is the thought that some think they aren't getting enough cut, even though they have a large assortment of pads. Of course time is of great importance to everyone, but when you push the limits of your knowledge and ability (think you know more than you actually know), and you make a mistake...it's too late at that point. Then again, we usually learn best by making mistakes.

In the words of Bill O'Reilly..."What say you?"

01-31-2012, 06:38 PM
I try to remove as much of the scratch as I feel comfortable removing with the first stage. Any remaining stages are to refine marring left from the first one. Should be very little clear removed by them. Note - if the scratch is too deep, some will the left.

01-31-2012, 06:53 PM
When I said scratches, I meant swirls...they're still scratches. I'm not talking RIDS that may require sanding.

01-31-2012, 07:05 PM
Same - remove, if possible, then refine. If you can, try to do all in one step.

Google: davekg dual guide
This gave me the best idea of what I was doing with each step.

02-01-2012, 05:06 PM
You just led me to a lot of reading material. Whew! Looks like it will take me awhile.