View Full Version : Seat cleaning with Woolite and conditioned with Meguiars Rich leather cleaner

SC sid
01-30-2012, 12:32 AM
Well today i had a go at my front driver seat which was in bad condition until i used the woolite and meguiars leather cleaner and conditioner. i am looking forward to trying leatherique. And let it sit for 4-6 hours to see if it will make my whole interior look brand new let me know what you think though

here is the seat after

and this is compared to my passenger seat which i did not get to do as yet i will be doing the entire car when the weather gets warmer btw is there anything for the ugly cracks in the leather
http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc247/nvious_2007/Detailing/IMG_1753.jpg i will have more pics later this week

01-30-2012, 07:23 AM
Regarding the cracks until you can do a full Leatherique treatment, you should scrub them with a soft bristle brush. Nail brush, toothbrush, dedicated leather brush, etc. are all great choices. On your next venture try to capture a 50/50 of clean/dirty. Best of luck :)