View Full Version : How to avoid marring? what is micro marring?

SC sid
01-30-2012, 12:07 AM
i would like to learn a lot more to detailing in depth and possibly do some paint corrections on my family vehicles:xyxthumbs:. I wanted to know if marring is the same thing as swirls and how do you remove them completely making it a swirl free finish Feed back please

01-30-2012, 07:43 AM
i would like to learn a lot more to detailing in depth and possibly do some paint corrections on my family vehicles:xyxthumbs:. I wanted to know if marring is the same thing as swirls and how do you remove them completely making it a swirl free finish Feed back please

Micromarring is the small sized, uniform haziness left in the paint that a compound leaves due to the compound being aggressive as far as polish material size.

Micromarring can be removed with a "finishing polish" because the polishing particle size is smaller, thus not leaving detectable swirls in the paint.

po106fa (aka superfinish)
3m ultrafina

are all proven to be excellent "finishing" polishes that remove the micromarring left from compounding.