View Full Version : clearcoat failure?

01-23-2012, 06:26 PM
I had my entire front bumper and spoiler repainted due to someone backing up into my car and I had claimed it under insurance about two weeks ago. It has already been a struggle as the shop they contracted it to washed my car improperly and really hacked up the entire car with swirls/surface scratches/ even imprinted finger marks from possibly rubbing a dirty car dry..which I ultimately got volvo to correct and I got the car back 1/18/12 after they had compounded and waxed. Anyway, I drove yesterday about 20 miles and then saw this mark (which I don't believe it was there before I drove but not 100%). I have no idea how it occurred as I didn't hit anything that I am aware of. It looks very odd looking, the back end of it looks scuff like but the main mark appears its down to the primer and there is white inside the main mark and surrounding outline of the mark. I'm assuming it might be peeling/failing clearcoat? I'm heading back to the dealership since I noticed a peeling paint chip behind the license plate bracket (possibly due to the pressure of the bracket on the new paint) which needs to be addressed. I plan to mention this mark to get a second opinion. If I did this fine, but I have had minor scuffs int he past which never looked like this. Any input?


01-23-2012, 06:55 PM
something abrasive rubbed up against it hard. the white is probably a sealer coat put on before the bc/cc.. it's not peeling/failing clearcoat.

01-23-2012, 07:16 PM
Is this a new painted part.... did they compound there? Im not an expert. On the issue but could they have burned through when compounded??

tuscarora dave
01-23-2012, 07:25 PM
Looks to me like a rotary with wool pad and rocks in a bottle burn, a really bad one too. I've seen many of those coming from some of the hack detail shops in my area. That's a true face palm moment there. Take it back and ask them "WHAT THE HECK IS THIS???!!!"

Dunno, could be a curb rash too..??

01-23-2012, 07:44 PM
it wasnt there after the compound and wax since I wouldve noticed. but if it was indeed a curb rash its a weird spot since its on the flat portion of the body kit, I have had some curb scuffs before but it was on the front lower portion-to under the body kit. how can I correct this? put touch up paint n clear on top?

tuscarora dave
01-23-2012, 09:04 PM
I've done a few repairs on black cars that way with success. If it's not metallic it's actually pretty easy on black but when metallic is involved it gets a bit tricky.

01-23-2012, 09:15 PM
yea its metallic but prior I have had scuffs on the lowest point on the kit and I used touch up and really without even smoothing it out (even though it comes out pretty smooth since it is in a nail polish bottle/applicator) and you pretty much can't tell (especially since its such a low point on car). I'll be doing it tom. and i'll post a pic.