View Full Version : New Here: Quick Iron X Question

01-18-2012, 08:32 AM
Hey guys, I recently purchased Iron X due to its overwhelming good reviews and my need to remove rail dust from my white car. I will be using this in the spring but have a question on its usage.

It says not to use on SMART paint repairs, but I dont really know what these are. The spots in question I have are two:

1. There was a touch up paint job done by the previous owner using what looks like Duplicolor paint etc. Basically where you can see where it was done and not professional. Should I mask this small circle off?

2. There were bumper scuffs when I bought it that were repaired at the dealership and now i cant even tell where they are. Should this part be masked off or is this part safe to use Iron X on?

Thanks guys!

01-18-2012, 10:30 AM
Hey guys, I recently purchased Iron X due to its overwhelming good reviews and my need to remove rail dust from my white car. I will be using this in the spring but have a question on its usage.

It says not to use on SMART paint repairs, but I dont really know what these are. The spots in question I have are two:

1. There was a touch up paint job done by the previous owner using what looks like Duplicolor paint etc. Basically where you can see where it was done and not professional. Should I mask this small circle off?

2. There were bumper scuffs when I bought it that were repaired at the dealership and now i cant even tell where they are. Should this part be masked off or is this part safe to use Iron X on?

Thanks guys!

First Welcome to AG! :welcome:

When they say smart repairs I believe they mean something like your first question.

The scuffs should be fine, more likely than not the dealership just buffed it out with a compound if it was just paint transfer.

I've never had problems with IronX and its a huge time saver.

Hope this helps a bit.

01-18-2012, 10:36 AM
First Welcome to AG! :welcome:

When they say smart repairs I believe they mean something like your first question.

The scuffs should be fine, more likely than not the dealership just buffed it out with a compound if it was just paint transfer.

I've never had problems with IronX and its a huge time saver.

Hope this helps a bit.

It does thank you! I have learned a lot here just from lurking on AG and i love it. I think I am going to err on the side of caution on this one and mask around the areas where I believe they repaired the bumper just incase because I don't remember if it looked like paint transfer or actual paint scratches that needed repainting as it has been so long.

The rail dust isnt so bad on those spots anyways so I'm hoping a clay bar will do the trick on those areas. Thanks for your help!

01-18-2012, 10:52 AM
I believe smart means "small to medium area repair technique" or something like that.

IX is an amazing product. Saves me time and makes decontamination much easier and thorough.

01-18-2012, 05:00 PM
I believe smart means "small to medium area repair technique" or something like that.

IX is an amazing product. Saves me time and makes decontamination much easier and thorough.

Is IronX used in place of or in addition to clay??

01-18-2012, 05:26 PM
Usually in addition, but sometimes in place of. Use the IX and then clay. If you don't see anything on the clay move on. It only attacks iron so organic contaminants like tree sap will still be there. There is also a product called Tar X that removes organic contaminants. I still use clay afterwards depending. Want perfection, clay as well. Let me grab some more info for you.

01-18-2012, 05:30 PM
Here are my reviews, the IX review (second link) has a great FAQ from Avi of CarPro at the end.




Btw, welcome to AutoGeek!

01-18-2012, 06:55 PM

Here in Colorado they put Mag Chloride on the roads (deicer). If you don't wash your vehicle immediately and often during the winter it dries and turns to RUST. On darker vehicles you cannot see it but on white there are thousands of tiny spots in the spring. Iron-X removes almost all rough spots in the paint without claying.

Great Stuff!

01-18-2012, 11:33 PM
Thanks Cee Dog for the links!!

01-19-2012, 07:49 AM
My pleasure! :buffing:

glen e
01-19-2012, 08:31 AM
Cee dog -

you seem to be an IX expert. If I take my wheels off the car to detail and use IX on the grass , will the wash off kill the grass....? My driveway is too new to take any contaminants now...

01-19-2012, 08:52 AM
Hi Glen, I am not positive as I have always used it in the driveway.
However, I believe (about 95% sure) it will be fine. IX is ph balanced and only attacks iron particles so I would think it would be fine. Your grass may be a little iron deficient for a bit. LOL

Btw: I haven't see any staining on my driveway from it's use btw but my driveway isn't brand new so I won't encourage you to do something your not comfortable with.

I asked Avi of CarPro and he says it's definitely no problem on grass. It's almost entirely biodegradable.

glen e
01-19-2012, 09:00 AM
Hi Glen, I am not positive as I have always used it in the driveway.
However, I believe (about 95% sure) it will be fine. IX is ph balanced and only attacks iron particles so I would think it would be fine. Your grass may be a little iron deficient for a bit. LOL

Btw: I haven't see any staining on my driveway from it's use btw but my driveway isn't brand new so I won't encourage you to do something your not comfortable with.

I asked Avi of CarPro and he says it's definitely no problem on grass. It's almost entirely biodegradable.

Thank you sir - our driveway is new and needs to be sealed. Anything I do now until then soaks in an becomes permanent so I have to be careful.