View Full Version : Need Help with Blue Ink in Carpet!!

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01-10-2012, 09:09 PM
So I was out doing a regulars interior today and as I was cleaning the carpet in the rear there was a little blue spot. I hit it with some APC and then hit it with some steam. The second I hit it with steam I found out it was ink and it went from a little spec to about the size of a half dollar. I tried all kinds of stuff and I couldn't get it to do anything! I mean its a bright blue spot and its very noticeable.

The owner is upset but not with me because he remembers the pen exploding. I don't want to dye it if there is a way to get ink out. The one thing I didn't try was folex...I guess I'll buy some more tomorrow and try that.

Any suggestions would be great!:dblthumb2:

01-10-2012, 09:11 PM
I got inkjet printer ink out of some carpet in the house using Folex. Worked great.

01-10-2012, 09:13 PM
Is that you that posted the pic a few days ago?

01-10-2012, 09:15 PM
Is that you that posted the pic a few days ago?


01-10-2012, 09:18 PM
It wasn't 'completely' out though was it?

01-10-2012, 09:22 PM
It's not completely out, but I think if I worked it a little more it would come out. I didn't scrub it or anything and I would say 90-95% came out. Actually, now you've peaked my interest. I'm going to go work it some more.

01-10-2012, 09:25 PM
Lol report back! ;)

01-10-2012, 09:26 PM
won't IPA dissolve ink? don't scrub, just blot

never done it but it should work. google it!

Vegas Transplant
01-10-2012, 09:33 PM
So I was out doing a regulars interior today and as I was cleaning the carpet in the rear there was a little blue spot. I hit it with some APC and then hit it with some steam. The second I hit it with steam I found out it was ink and it went from a little spec to about the size of a half dollar. I tried all kinds of stuff and I couldn't get it to do anything! I mean its a bright blue spot and its very noticeable.

The owner is upset but not with me because he remembers the pen exploding. I don't want to dye it if there is a way to get ink out. The one thing I didn't try was folex...I guess I'll buy some more tomorrow and try that.

Any suggestions would be great!:dblthumb2:
I have seen your work here on the forum and am much impressed; but if you can get that ink out I will believe that you can walk on water. Happy trails...

01-10-2012, 09:39 PM
I have seen your work here on the forum and am much impressed; but if you can get that ink out I will believe that you can walk on water. Happy trails...

Folex is the way to go. if it does not take it out I am not sure if any can. Just picked some up today at Lowes. I think it was like $5.40 for squirt bottle Pint size.

01-10-2012, 09:39 PM
Lol report back! ;)

Here you go (sorry I didn't get a before of what was left).

Sprayed with Folex

Agitated with fingers

Extracted with Hoover steam vac



Hope this helps.

01-10-2012, 09:46 PM
I have seen your work here on the forum and am much impressed; but if you can get that ink out I will believe that you can walk on water. Happy trails...

LOL I'll get it out but I won't be walking on water any time soon:xyxthumbs:

01-10-2012, 09:46 PM
Here you go (sorry I didn't get a before of what was left).

Sprayed with Folex

Agitated with fingers

Extracted with Hoover steam vac



Hope this helps.

Well hello Dolly!

01-10-2012, 09:47 PM
Light, fresh ink can be easily removed. Nothing special.

Even a little bit of ink sometimes can spread like crazy so be careful. Make sure you thoroughly wet the fibers around the ink prior to spotting. You need a solvent to dissolve the ink and and carpet extractor to rinse and remove the solution. Solvents like goo gone, goof off and others may work but are the best for carpet, upholstery fibers. Only use a little bit of solvent and agitate into fibers. Rinse, extract, and repeat until gone. Make sure everything is rinsed thoroughly to remove solvent as this can damage carpet/upholstery fibers.

Be careful as ink can easily spread and look worse unless it is very light.

If the customer has already tried to remove it chances of it are slim to none and I wouldn't mess with.

Good luck

01-10-2012, 09:48 PM
Folex is the way to go. if it does not take it out I am not sure if any can. Just picked some up today at Lowes. I think it was like $5.40 for squirt bottle Pint size.

Wow! that seems pricey, I paid about $4.50 for a 32oz bottle here, and prices here are usually pretty high.