View Full Version : NEW Dodo Product. Bouncer 22 !

01-08-2012, 10:51 AM
Hey guys, I just got my order from Overseas. I have read so many incredible reviews on Dodo Juices new independent label's first product release.

Its a hybrid wax called Bouncer 22.

Similar to Supernatural Hybrid in the fact that its a carnuba and synthetic sealant. But The comparison stops there. That is all they share in common.

Bouncer 22 was designed by its own formulator that has nothing do to with Dodo. Its a unique product that was designed from a clean sheet or paper. Its called Bouncer (the owners forum name) 22 ( for the 22nd revision of the wax). For obvious reasons I stated in my last sentence.

OK, I did not use the wax yet on an entire car, but I only put some on my test panel in my basement. Here's what stands out.

- The wax smells like orange oil. I mean REALLY smells like orange oil. Similar to Dodo Juice Tarmalade.

- Oh My God, the wax looks to be hard. but then you put the applicator in the jar and twist and the stuff litterally turns into warmed butter. I mean, this is the most spreadable and softest wax I have ever used. Even as soft if not softer than Fuzion. Very workable and spreadable. While supernatural Hybrid is soft when worked, this is on another level and spreads easier and further.

- The wax is pure white in color. not dark or yellow areas. Just pure white.

- Same size bottle as SNH. More Expensive than SNH also. Since the product has been out, memeber on Detailing World have had up to 12 weeks or strong protection and they are claiming this product to be the new holy grail. Which is why I had to pick some up.

Before I show the pics, I have one serious question. Why doesnt Autogeek supply the ENTIRE Dodo Juice line ??? I also picked up some Supernatural wash sponges, and they are amazing. forgot to add them to my pics.

Here are the pics of my Dodo Wax's. I finished my SNH, otherwise I would have added it to the picture.

I was also able to get some of the infamous yellow detialing clay that is used around the rest of the world. And boy-o-boy this clay is so soft and workable. Cant wait to use it.





Supernatural Wash Sponge



Random Dodo Juice collection picture


01-08-2012, 11:04 AM
It's a great wax - spreads really well, and the color is pretty neat, too. I followed Bouncer's thread from the date he started it on DW, and immediately jumped on the opportunity to get one when it was sold on retail. Here's my jar - I was able to get pot #4 (numbered and hand-signed) of the first production run :xyxthumbs::





01-08-2012, 11:09 AM
sweet dude ! glad to hear !

01-08-2012, 11:25 AM
where'd you get those?

01-08-2012, 11:41 AM
where'd you get those?

Got mine direct from Dodo Juice (seeing as it's a numbered jar), but do a search for Carnauba Wax Shop - it's a small UK retailer owned by Ben aka Rubbishboy of Rubbishboy's Original Edition fame. He ships internationally, and carries the complete Dodo line - I've gotten a few items from him, and have had absolutely no issues with the orders (even shipped internationally).

01-08-2012, 11:49 AM
Got myself pot #21 :) Have not used it yet but on sample panales its pretty nice.

01-08-2012, 11:50 AM
Looks great! I too wish AG would carry the whole Dodo Juice line, I have placed a few orders from places in the UK because a lot of the products aren't available here.

01-08-2012, 12:10 PM
where'd you get those?

If you google search Dodo Juice and there specific products , there a about 4 places that will ship overseas. I found the one with the cheapest shipping rate (as a couple of the stores has a shipping rate that was more expensive than my order).

If you want to know the specific place you can pm me.

Ive got a couple other products on the way also. Its very frustrating having to source Dodo Juice products from overeas. Up until last year I only tried a couple Dodo Juice items. I always figured it was more hype than not about there products and because of how exclusive and elusive there products are. Recently about 2 months ago I started to really get acquainted with a bunch of there products and I could not be happier with all of them. Everything I have tried has been great. You can tell the products work very well and can feel the difference. You do get what you pay for imo. The shampoo's especially. They work better for me than anything else I have used. And the spray detailer and red mist are great as well.

Is there a reason Autogeek does not support the entire line ? Its unfortunate that they dont.

01-08-2012, 01:52 PM
thank you for the post and all your kind words. 8)

now for the question at hand. there are some very good reasons that AG doesn't take the whole range, i will take you through some and i am sure an AG rep will be along and fill in or correct as may be pertinent. (notice - i don't speak for AG, just from convesations we have had over the years)...

ok, here goes:

1. [and Meghan will back me up on this one] we are an ERRATIC (at best) launcher of new items. the way it works is Dom and i have about 10-25 things in various stages of prototyping, testing, labeling and or launch ready at any given time. as and when we have something that is ready for launch, an immediate assesment of all other products is done. if nothing else is ready to go (or within 1-2 weeks) - the Dodo says GO. [much to the irritation of our international resellers that may have just had a order packed and shipped] this means the product has to wait for the next suitable order. that way a new product is launched and shipped in the UK and sometimes Europe before the next order picks it up.
if there are other products soon to be launched then a product is delayed for a group launch. but much the same way as above, neither Dom nor i can wait to let loose new items - we get the same excitement and nerves to see whether our newest addition to the family stands up to your expectations. so if the next item is waiting for labels or final test results and they come in 6:30pm on a friday - then it is good to go. 8) one or both of us will run over and label some up, take some launch pics and get an email together for the resellers.
all of this makes it difficult, at best, for our international resellers to make sure they are up to date. during a phone call or in an email confirming no new products and a shipping tracking number on that friday at 3pm for an order, we would have gone without mention of the potentials. my advice, if you hear about it, see it, hack my brain, or catch Malcolm, our customer service monkey, leaving things at a bar and know of something new - TELL YOUR RESELLER to get on it, like a car bonnet.

2. some products like microfibres and applicators can often be found in 'similar' styles/quality in the home country of our international resellers. with shipping from us and then shipping to you it would be outside the reasonable costing for such products. [even tho i would say there is nothing quite like a Dodo] 8)

3. due to some curious regulations from our friends in California, there are things that seems fine and dandy in 'the rest of the world' that just rub the wrong way for the US. (we are informed).... so that effectively stops certain products from making it over the pond.

ok - so that is three of the biggies. as always there is the alternative to source direct from Europe but for the most part, our stuff makes it over and into the hands of our American friends through our resellers stateside. and if you want it and you can't find it - don't fret, send mail! 8)

01-08-2012, 02:01 PM
In for an order! Coming to San Diego...can't wait to try it out

01-08-2012, 02:54 PM
i'd sure like the Bouncer 22 ...

01-09-2012, 08:04 PM
Thanks for the response direct from Dodo Juice !

I would like to see AG test out the B-22 wax to see if they would like to stock it, and I would also like to see them for sure pick up the Supernatural Wash Sponge. We dont have any quality wash sponges here in the states (please dont mention that blue Lake Country thing!) besides one seller of which isn't that popular like AG is (which sells one similar to the zymbol sponge). maybe its just me but I prefer sponges over MF. I do also use wool every now and again though.

also the new plastic trim dressing.

spare misting bottles like the detailing spray comes in.

SN glass polish and sealant

DJ Glass cleaner

and the SN microfiber applicator pad. The fluffy one.

anyone else have any other suggestions ?

01-09-2012, 09:35 PM
The red Basics of Bling wax applicator would be nice :)

01-09-2012, 09:47 PM
I'd buy everything not available in the states lol. I'd really like to try the drying towels, plastic trim dressing and the Bling wax applicators.

01-09-2012, 09:57 PM
Bouncer 22 added my "must have" list :)