View Full Version : White Chalky Residue after attempting to Clean Textured Plastic

01-06-2012, 10:55 PM
So I went to clean off a small spot on the lower portion of my dash with a magic eraser, and while it did clean off what I set out to...it also left behind a white, chalky residue. I reached for some Blackfire Interior cleaner, and now it just seems to spread with chalky residue out even more so!

I don't think I discolored the plastic, because when it's wet, it looks normal, just when it dries it turns white.

On the left is the white, chalky section, and on the right is what it should look like:



I tried a stiff nylon brush with more interior cleaner, and it didn't seem to help. I used the same magic eraser and interior cleaner today in different sections of my interior, same plastic, and this didn't happen. Only in this section did the plastic turn this way.

Any ideas what it could be and how to get rid of it?

01-07-2012, 12:22 AM
Have you tried a protectant het to see if it goes away?

Sent from my HTC EVO on the now network

01-07-2012, 12:41 PM
Have you tried a protectant het to see if it goes away?

Sent from my HTC EVO on the now network

It helps it a little bit, but it's definitely still there. I can kind of scratch it off with my finger nail, but that won't work for the whole thing. I'm thinking now, maybe the textured broke down the magic eraser and that's whats left behind...I have no idea, but I want my dash to be black again and not white!

01-07-2012, 12:45 PM
try some OPC diluted 3:1 and a soft bristled toothbrush to get into the cracks.

once dry then put some protectant on it.

01-07-2012, 01:25 PM
try some OPC diluted 3:1 and a soft bristled toothbrush to get into the cracks.

once dry then put some protectant on it.

Unfortunately I don't have any OPC. The only APC I really have in Simple Green, which I haven't tried yet.

01-07-2012, 09:32 PM
Unfortunately I don't have any OPC. The only APC I really have in Simple Green, which I haven't tried yet.
get some OPC, you will not regret it!

but for now, lets work with what you have.
simple green at 10:1 and if needed, mix it 5:1

i wouldnt go any higher than that, as simple green has the tendency to stain.

spray, wait 15-20 seconds then wipe with a towel.

if still some left, then spray and agitate with a brush.

i'm out of small sample bottles or i would send you a bit of opc.

01-07-2012, 10:44 PM
oh, don't forget to follow with a damp mf as necessary to get rid of all the cleaner...