View Full Version : Too many products?

05-08-2006, 11:35 AM
I want to try the XMT Finishing Glaze (part of the package I won , Thank you sooo much AG) but also to incorporate my AIO, P21 cleansing lotion, and S-100 as my LSP. I am uncertain where the FG will fall in order since it also has carnauba in it. It may be overkill or unnecassary to use all of these products at the same time. If not, in what order would you use them?

Thank you,

05-08-2006, 06:26 PM
you really are going to need to shelf some of the products. The Finishing Glaze would be the slightly enhanced paint cleaner. Personally, I would use the entire XMT line as needed and top with S100. Since AIO is more of a chemical paint cleaner with some acrylic protection, it seems slightly redundant when using the paint polishes first.

Or .... you could use all the XMT, forget the Finishing Glaze, use the AIO and S100. Slightly longer protection (durability) but I can almost bet youd like the look above better.