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12-29-2011, 01:00 PM
I had a guy tell me that he washes his car with baking soda. Now, I would think baking soda could be a bit abrasive. Has anyone ever heard of this or use baking soda to wash their car?
I don't....so I am asking. What would be the benefit of using baking soda???

Feed back please

12-29-2011, 01:12 PM
I had a guy tell me that he washes his car with baking soda. Now, I would think baking soda could be a bit abrasive. Has anyone ever heard of this or use baking soda to wash their car?
I don't....so I am asking. What would be the benefit of using baking soda???

Feed back please

Don't forget there are morons out there who wash their vehicles with brillo pads!!! You will need the baking soda in a glass with water when he brings the car to you for repair as seeing it will give you instant heartburn!!

12-29-2011, 01:16 PM
Don't forget there are morons out there who wash their vehicles with brillo pads!!! You will need the baking soda in a glass with water when he brings the car to you for repair as seeing it will give you instant heartburn!!
thanks! I know I am not the smartest kid on the block. Maybe I got some good "common sense" genes :)

12-29-2011, 01:50 PM
I've seen people sprinkle Comet Cleanser on their car at the neighborhood car wash.

Flash Gordon
12-29-2011, 02:02 PM
Back in the day we used baking soda to remove bugs. Surprisingly, it doesn't mar the finish, but takes forever

12-29-2011, 02:46 PM
What would be the benefit of using baking soda???

-I don't totally discount the use of Baking Soda...Baking soda has literally hundreds of uses...

-Since baking soda is a mild alkaline (ph 8.2), I've found that it is useful for neutralizing the build-up of acid while cleaning battery terminals. Or other acid-built-up-areas.

-Used to use it to "shine" chrome.
-Some use it for odor-control

-And, I forgot to add baking soda to the list in the:
"How do I get rid of brown(ing) (on)tires" thread yesterday. It's a whole lot safer than using lacquer thinner, IMO.
(Thanks, OP, for jogging my memory on this.)

-Some folks, in order to formulate a home-made car wash shampoo, will use a little bit of baking soda in a bucket of water with some of their personal-care shampoo. To me, it would be a whole lot cheaper just to buy a dedicated car wash shampoo...

I've used baking soda for many purposes...Some even for certain vehicle areas....But I never have, or ever will, use it to wash vehicles...Especially on BC/CC. But that's just me.



12-29-2011, 03:02 PM
You just wait.

Someday a post will be made asking if it's OK to use Aircraft Paint Stripper to clean the paint.

12-29-2011, 08:43 PM
Baking soda can lift some forms of "dirt" and "muck" but not everything. Any chemical mildly acidic or alkaline will "clean". The problem that can be seen at times is in "how" it achieves the goal and in what time frame. Overall, if someone wants to use it; more power to them.

You can wash dishes and clothes with baking soda and vinegar. In general, won't get the tough stains out and certainly doesn't leave much protection or gloss for that matter. I use baking soda in the cat's litter box and vinegar when I wash my detailing towels. Numerous other uses abound....

27 Ways to Clean with Baking Soda | The New Homemaker (http://thenewhomemaker.com/bakingsoda)

12-29-2011, 08:56 PM
You just wait.

Someday a post will be made asking if it's OK to use Aircraft Paint Stripper to clean the paint.

Are you implying it isn't safe? If so, I'll be right back.:detailer:

I agree with FUNX725 baking soda has a ton of uses, but I would probably never use it to actually wash the car. I have used it in paste form to clean baked on brake dust from aluminum wheels.

12-29-2011, 09:17 PM
You just wait.

Someday a post will be made asking if it's OK to use Aircraft Paint Stripper to clean the paint.
I had a 17 yr old kid that works for my gf that used aircraft paint stripper to strip headlight tint (the kind you buy in a spray can) off his plastic headlight bc he got a ticket then asked me if I could fix his headlights. I have pics somewhere. Let's just say aircraft paint stripper will melt plastic

12-29-2011, 09:34 PM
Yeah, we tend to forget the many uses of common household items. Baking soda is used in toothpaste but will not abrade away your enamel anytime soon. However, if used as a blasting media it can remove paint. So, I would think that using it for spot cleaning on a vehicle could be an alternative, however, there are task specific products that are as safe and more effective than baking soda IMO, and probably just as cost affective. I think I might try it on some baked on brake dust to see what results I can get with it. Can be any worse than taking a Scotchbrite to a wheel.:)
Just saw a girl's car at the gas station the other night, and someone had pored paint thinner on several panels of it. It was not pretty and she asked me if I could buff it out.JK lol She did ask if I knew any places other than Maaco to get it painted though. So, I can only imagine what head lights would like after using aircraft stripper on them. Crazy kids!

12-29-2011, 09:41 PM
. I think I might try it on some baked on brake dust to see what results I can get with it. Can be any worse than taking a Scotchbrite to a wheel.:)

Here are the results I got, this was with BS, a toothbrush and a wirebrush (only used on non-polished areas and very lightly). Not perfect,but greatly improved.






12-29-2011, 11:32 PM
I once used a baking soda paste to try to clean up some drinking glasses and totally ruined one it scratched it so badly.

12-29-2011, 11:33 PM
thanks everyone for their thoughts.

12-29-2011, 11:58 PM
Baking soda is nothing..

I had a guy tell me I didnt know what I was talking about when I told him washing his car in dishwasher detergent was a bad idea.. He insisted it was fine, because his paint was still nice and "shiney". And I dont mean Dawn.. I mean Cascade!!