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12-28-2011, 02:50 PM
So I get a text message that my GF has left work last night. About 25 minutes later I actually see it and I'm thinking "wow she should be home soon". Then I get a call. Just a couple blocks from her work in downtown traffic she got "front ended". She was completely stopped in traffic and the twit driving the minivan in front of her decided to back up to try to change lanes (even with the gf's horn blaring at her).

As near as I can tell there is no structural damage or anything underneath the bumper, though it's going in for its first............yes FIRST.....oil change (it's 4 months old!!!) today and she's going to have them check. Visible outside damage is the license plate holder was crushed and as the plastic sides of it spread out looks like it took some good chunks out of the bumper.

So now we'll probably have to deal with getting the bumper replaced. Then I have to deal with waiting for 30 days to seal it and then dealing with two different paint systems from now on when I work on it for her :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

At least my GF is ok, we think. She already has been dealing with a bulging disc since August and already had back pain from it, but I don't think last night would have caused much of a problem judging by the minor looking outward damage level to the car.

12-28-2011, 02:53 PM
That freakin sucks man! I swear people make up their own rules on the road! Sorry to hear about the car but I'm glad your gf is ok.

12-28-2011, 02:59 PM
Man I am sorry to hear about your GF luck and hope all goes well with the repair work. Make sure she still gets checked out though, sometimes after an accident you feel ok because of your adrenaline but afterward is when the pain comes. Even something minor can trigger something bigger.

I had someone back up into me too. It was an elderly couple that pulled forward too far at a stop sign. I gave them plenty of room but for some reason they thought they REALLY needed to back up.

After we all got out the guy put his arm around me and said, its ok nothing happened, then he got into his car and left. I was dumbfounded to say the least. The guy thought for some odd reason that it was MY fault lol. Thankfully he was right and nothing really happened to my car as he was creeping backwards but still annoyed me.

12-28-2011, 03:00 PM
First things first; Girlfriend is OK with somewhat minor injury but really keep an eye on that back. In many cases symptoms don't show up for a few days.

A good body and paint shop can have you back in action quickly.

Do not sign off on anything yet, things need to settle out and you may need to seek legal counsel.

12-28-2011, 03:05 PM
Dont get me started on idiots and traffic. I've been front ended before... And if it wasn't a women... I would have flipped!

I'm just glad your GF is okay.

12-28-2011, 03:13 PM
My wife was rear ended by a piece of garbage who left the scene after damaging 3 vehicles. Her car was totalled by the insurance company due to a bent frame, and now we are forced into a car payment that we were enjoying NOT having. She's OK, but every time she makes a payment she is aggrivated that the person who did this is still out there.
Glad to hear your girlfriend is OK. Things could always be worse.

New Image
12-28-2011, 03:18 PM
That sucks!! Good news is GF ok.

12-28-2011, 03:21 PM
Sorry to hear this news. Glad your GF is ok. People need to learn how to drive.

12-28-2011, 03:23 PM
First things first; Girlfriend is OK with somewhat minor injury but really keep an eye on that back. In many cases symptoms don't show up for a few days.

Yeah we'll definitely be watching it. She just returned to work finally a few weeks ago and is still on light duty due to the ongoing pain from whatever she did to it in August to cause the bulging disc. It was already sore when she left work last night so it was hard to tell if the accident last night had any effect. She's already been to the weekly chiropractor appointment this morning though and still has her weekly acupuncture appt. coming up. Hopefully this just doesn't re-aggravate the situation.

12-28-2011, 04:16 PM
She just got back from the dealer, I'll have to look at the bumper again now, but they replaced the license plate frame for $16 but there is apparently some kind of crack in the paint on it as far as damage. Oh yea, and the dealer washed it for her..............grrrrrrrr. However, she's not 100% that she told them not to since she was also dealing with talking with them about the damage so it may not be their fault. Oh well, at least I hadn't poured hours into polishing it and only had time to get some sealant on a couple weeks ago to get it through winter. I'll just fix whatever they installed in the Spring I guess.

12-28-2011, 04:53 PM
I'm sorry to hear about that man. I hate people and the way they drive. I only try to take my pride and joy out at night when their are less a-holes on the road ya know.

This reminds me of a time when I was stopped behind this guy about 4 feet. Were on a slight hill so of course this guy has a manual car and his car starts slowly rolling back. This guy had his music bumping so loud. Once he hit like the 3 foot mark I tapped the horn and once he hit the 2 foot mark I laid on the horn and he looked out at me and said ###! I said hit your brake your going to roll into me and he said no he isn't. Once he looked forward like 2 seconds later wouldn't you know it, the guy hit me and cracked my new carbon fiber grill. I put it in park and got out and the guy asked my why I hit him? I was like are you serious, you hit me. Then he started calling me a white boy and cursing at me and the light turned green and I punched his taillight out and sped off like a maniac.

I hope everything works out for you

12-28-2011, 05:06 PM
Solution drive one of these

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cDoRmT0iRic]The Marauder - Top Gear - BBC - YouTube[/video]


12-28-2011, 05:16 PM
Solution drive one of these

The Marauder - Top Gear - BBC - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cDoRmT0iRic)


LMAO yeah I saw that episode. That thing was awesome. Thankfully soon I won't have to worry about this kind of thing with my car at least. I'm moving to a Jeep Wrangler. If someone backs into that and takes out the bumper it'll be an excuse to put a nice heavy duty off road bumper on it lol. Now THAT would be fun to see the results of the next time someone backs into it.

12-28-2011, 05:51 PM
That episode was so good. The Hummer just blows up in a million pieces and the Maurader gets a flat tire lol.

12-28-2011, 06:02 PM
sorry to hear about an idiot hitting your new car.. what i hate is when im on a hill in my manual car and some idiot is so close to my bumper that they can see the factory imprints on my third brake light....i dont understand people, or the idiots who are trying to force you to cross traffic when it is not safe, got into it with some lady over it. i straight up told her its my car and i will drive it how i want, you are not going to pay my insurance premium if i get hit...