View Full Version : Need Recommendations for Pad Equivalents

05-07-2006, 09:31 PM
Maybe it is me, but I have not been happy with the longevity of the Meguiars pads W8006 and W9006. But I king of know what to expect from them with the Meguiars products I use. Can anybody recommend some W8006 and W9006 equivalents by another manufacturer?

05-08-2006, 06:10 AM
I dont know the pads by number specifically, but I would stick with Lake Country pads as possible. Some of the best and when used and stored properly after cleaning, they will last for more than several details.

Mike T
05-08-2006, 08:23 AM
I just got LC pads and I was a former user of Meg's. The 8006 is equivelent to LC's White polishing pad. 9006 is equivelent to LC's black finishing pad. I really like the lake County pads.

05-08-2006, 05:07 PM
I've used Meguiar's pads for 20 years. Recently I made the switch to the Edge 2000 pads. This is something I don't regret and would highly recommend. Though I can't vouch for the durability of these pads just yet (used them twice) they look like they'll hold up as well if not better than the Meguiar's product. I think it's worth a look.