View Full Version : Black 2012 Charger, Fresh off the Freight

12-16-2011, 11:03 PM
Hey everyone. Got a new write up for you guys, and this one is a bit different than any we've ever done before. This was a BRAND NEW 2012 Charger. This thing was about 10 days old when we got our hands on it.

Jeff (the owner of the car) had seen a couple of our other write ups...was impressed with what he saw, but wanted to pick our brains in person to "see if we were the real deal" as he put it. So he invited us out to wings, had a good talk and in the end he decided he wanted us to start him out right.

He made us smile right away because he called and told them DO NOT WASH the car after it gets off the transport! Good thing too, he said he saw the machine that does the washing, spinning brushes, big 'slop all over things that run over the top, you know...the top of the line swirl-o-matic.

He took it home, washed it himself...had us take a look and give him a quote and then set a date.

Since he didn't have them screw it up, erm....'wash it'...it wasn't horrible. Had a few bonded contaminants it picked up from transport, but mostly just the hood/roof/trunk.

After that we grabbed a few pictures of the car...had a little light haze/marring in spots, couple light swirls...but not in bad condition.

You can see some light haze on the trunk here:


Couple light swirls on the roof in this one:


The hood too had a few that were showing up:



So as you can see, minor damage...surely not a multi-step correction needed. If they had washed it however....well, you know how that ends up.

So we got it pulled in the garage (we like his garage :dblthumb2:), hooked up the flex and PC and set up to do a couple of test passes. First we tried out Megs D300 but on a finishing pad with light pressure just to see how the paint reacted to it. On both the Flex and the PC...it actually HAZED the paint, first time ever on a FACTORY clear that this happened to us...rather surprising...but i guess newer cars are getting even softer clears in some cases.

BUT, no worries, as usual we had multiple options at our disposal, so we changed over to a foam polishing pad and took some Megs 205 finishing polish out. Primed up the pad and did a test spot. The results were great. 205 had enough cut to remove the defects we were dealing with, and of course finished off bright and beautiful.

Heres a shot i got of the door panel before:


You can see a couple deeper ones (relative to the other ones) and some light haze.

After 205:


MUCH better (excuse the one spec of polishing dust left :) )

We carried out this process over the entire car. Cleaning our pads with the Pad Washer bucket ever 2-3 panels. Jeff came out with his camera and caught us in action:


Workin away...i gotta say, that blue painters tape looks pretty cool on black...hmm might make a good color for striping?

So after working a few hours polishing the paint to a beautiful, swirl free shine...guess what, it was freakin cloudy! Yes, thats right...stupid clouds came right over and covered up the sun....so no sun shots....from us...Jeff however got some a couple days later....BUT, we have a few nice reflection shots the day we finished.

We topped it with M20 Polymer Sealant...left the paint nice and slick with great protection. Dressed the tires with Wolfgang Tire Gel and protected the trim with Opti-Seal. Here are a few shots right after we finished:

Nice and deep..


Straight on shot:


And from the side:


And lastly, a nice full side shot:


Now...for the good stuff...the sun shots...and it was a nice, bright day when Jeff shot these...So you can really see what an awesome, swirl free job it turned out to be:

Now THIS is what paint should look like:


Looks like glass doesn't it?

And another angle...


Check this out:


Just take a minute to soak it in...oh yes, its beautiful :dblthumb2:

Heres a shot behind the back door:



Now, Jeff happens to have a very effective security system.



Front and center:


Profile shot


Big guy there is actually a big goof ball...totally friendly, but BIG nevertheless.

Well thats all folks. The 2012 is ready to roll. Hope you enjoyed the write up.
I'm outta here!


12-16-2011, 11:35 PM
Very Nice! I am surprised at how soft the paint was. All the Chrysler products I have ever done have been very hard.

Love the look of the new Chargers though, such a sexy car.

12-17-2011, 12:16 AM
Very cool!! good looking car and GREAT security system!! :dblthumb2:

12-17-2011, 01:27 AM
Great Job Wills!

Very nice car. It is crazy how many new cars come lightly marred or swirled out of the factory. But thats when we come in! Keep up the good work! :xyxthumbs:

12-17-2011, 02:22 AM
Very Nice! I am surprised at how soft the paint was. All the Chrysler products I have ever done have been very hard.

Love the look of the new Chargers though, such a sexy car.

I was surprised too. Ive done as new as a 2010 Challenger....and D300 finished off very nice, even with the flex...but i did a 2011 Camaro last week...and the same thing happened...it hazed...i think its newer clears...they're just making them softer and cheaper

Very cool!! good looking car and GREAT security system!! :dblthumb2:

hahaha yeah very cool dog with a very cool car!

Great Job Wills!

Very nice car. It is crazy how many new cars come lightly marred or swirled out of the factory. But thats when we come in! Keep up the good work! :xyxthumbs:

Thanks Roland! Yeah it is kinda sad that theres light marring that early on, BUT he made a smart choice and had us tackle it right off the bat...now it looks NEW, just like it should :dblthumb2: